当我才没有写秋婷的故事前,要跟秋婷讲谢谢你,有读过我的Blog.. I'm very surprsie you search until can search until my blog.
今天,是我第一次看过和认识秋婷。因为,我在Channel U website http://u.mediacorptv.com/story.aspx?Editorial_ID=688&SubCategoryID=20 看过她的照片。没有想到会这么快,认识她。看到她的照片,又觉得她有点像Felicia Chin. 也好巧,秋婷也和我一样喜欢Felicia Chin.
当她看到我在reception, 她跟我"hi" , 我心里开始有了?你认识我吗?我认识你吗?哈哈。。后来,Vincent 说要跟她拍照。。 我就走过去。。KPO. 后来,她走到我身边,问我是不是喜欢Felicia? 我说你什么知道?她说,她有读我的blog... 哈哈。。 没想到我的blog 有这么多人读。。Vincent 问我她叫什么名?我说Felicia.. 她就用手poke me.. 我给她这个动作,吓一跳。因为我们不是很认识。But can play until so crazy. 她才问我是不是不会这么早走? 我说我们在等朋友放工。她说她要叫cab, 叫我们等她叫cab, 才走。我说ok loh.. 我们又在谈天了, 讲了很多Secret. 一下,她的cab来了,跟我们说bye bye...
最后,想对秋婷说,我不是stubborn。 我只是喜欢叫你Felicia. 我不会叫你给我code. 因为,你是艺人,我要尊敬你。 也希望你会拿到冠军。才有,别忘了我这个朋友。如果你要找人,说心事可以找我。你知道什么找我吧。。 哈哈。。 友谊长久。。 你也累了。早点睡吧。。
Note: 如果有人喜欢秋婷,请在这个comment box 写东西,因为她会读和看。。我告诉她了。 Thanks.
"Happy New Year" to u...
hi ....ii would like to know more abt her.....
she really look like felicia (:
Lijuan, ok.. Glad to heard that u like Qiuting & surprise that some1 will same as me, like her.. Haha.. She is really like felicia.. Wat u told me, i will think & ask her, see wat she said?
Boo! ^.^ It's really nice to know a new pool of nice girls! Haha.. Cheers to the new year again!
P.S I will still be a fan of your blog even if i eat too much goodies and grow fat and not have your support! Lol!
haha.. i got fans also.. haha...Thanks ah, Qiuting for keeping looking @ my blog so long.. 很高兴能认识你, as friend.. Remember wat u told me of "Level of friends".... Hope u will understand..
haha :D
i aso support her :D
Evonne, pls email me, joeychanke79@gmail.com. I got smt ask u.. Thanks..
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