I just come back from Hui Shi "Thanks" gathering.. Before I started of write the entry, I like to thanks Mama G for invite me to this gathering.. And also Hui Shi, I never forget of u. And also thanks the fc ppl for everything.. So, let started the story & fun...
I off work at 6pm, so I rush down to the gathering place b4 7pm.. I took bus from my office to the location.. And meet Evonne 6.45pm at the location bus stop.. I never think that the bus come early & reached early of the location 6.35pm.. Evonne haven't reached yet, so I called her, asked her, where is she? She told me, she at nearby.. Then, once she reached... Then, after awhile, Evonne reached... Then, we walk in the location. (Please don't asked me where is the place, I won't said), cos it is a secret.. Sorry... We go & find the party...
Around 7plus the party started, Hui Shi arrived.. Then, Hui Shi started to hang around those ppl there... When Hui Shi come sit my desk, I passed her the gift, which I bought on Thursay.. When she saw the gift, her action was shocked & touched.. She even asked me, "Is it very expensive?" I said "ok" lah.. Then, she looked at Evonne, Evonne said I dun know.. Actually, Evonne knoe. Just she dun want to tell her, cos I got told her, dun tell Hui Shi.. Cos I dun want ppl to know the "price of cost" & I also dun want ppl think, I try to catch attention.. I gave ppl gift, is from the HEART & THOUGHT.
1st they started of the game called "Blind fold Music chair".. I was kena "sabo" by Mama G & Yit Hann to play the game.. Thanks loh... Actually,tell u all the secret, the blind fold I can see a hole loh.. That why, I can get the chair fast.. But thanks loh, Mama G disturb me, take my chair the 1st time, dun think I dun know..Never mind, 2nd time, I also get the chair, but someone sit.. Dun know who.. Haha.. So, I was the 1st person out of the games, there is 5 ppl playing.. Then, after that is KTV time.. Then, after that is 2nd game.. This game is use newspaper to fold into smaller... Rachael was join in the fun.. (Which u all can see it)..
Around 10pm, we started to cut cake & group pic..
11pm, I & Evonne plan to go off 1st, cos sat I got to work. Before everyone left, Hui Shi gave everyone of us a book, which is inside got her msg & signature.. I was shocked.. Why she gave me? Then, I look at her, she told me "take lah", so I took.. Thanks, Hui Shi for the thought...
**I really enjoy, fun & joys 2nite.. Maybe cos I long times never had this fun.. Cos of age Generation...But Mama G & Yit Hann gave me the feeling like no Age Generation at all.. Hui Shi, thanks for keep sitting my desk & chit chat with us. Sorry ah, I shy.. Cos maybe it is my 1st time we see each other.. So..Glad that u like the gift I gave u.. And also I can see from ur looks, really funny.. I can see ur tears want to come out lah.. Just want to tell u, dun eat too much Pudding next time lah... If u like to eat Pudding, Jelly or bubble Tea, just told me.. I try to spend time make for u...
Yit Hann, thanks.. I never thought that that day I do the Jelly for Felicia & you told me, my jelly NICE.. Thanks loh.. Thanks for keep miss the Jelly loh...But too bad loh.. I no time to do.. Cos need alot of time to do Jelly..
Hui Shi, thanks for wat u had told abt me. And dun worry, wat u had told me, I won't tell anyone.. Haha.. Jia You for coming Monday. Must take care ur throat.. Ok? Dun forget wat u promise me..
I still living blessing, cos maybe I not a "big person" in everyone heart, but at least I like the LOVE spread around.. Maybe I not in the person life important, but I dun mind.. At least, got ppl know who am I? And remember me, I already happy.. Really....
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