Today, I went to City Harvest @ Expo, cos of Christmas Service. I go alone. Today, the service is GREAT & Good.. Cos 2day the topics is talk abt PEACE. When I heard this words, I was thinking that, is it GOD know that I will be coming? And it is that GOD want to tell me something? I believe it is.. Cos HE know that how was my life is the past 1mth.. After see the drama of they performed & heard Pastor Kong speak. I agreed what he had said..
He said; "Why in this world, there are selfish & jealous of peoples?" Cos they don't have the PEACE OF MINDS, short of love, don't know what is PEACE & LOVE? Yap, i also think that, cos I had see alot of selfish & jealous peoples & fans around of me. At here, I like to say "Thanks, GOD" for giving me this GREAT words today.
Lastly, hope those peoples who still don't know what is call PEACE, maybe this few days until 25/12, can go City Harvest & heard the words & get the feel of Christmas.
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