Thursday, July 31, 2008


我刚收到一个朋友,告诉我一件事。。。 我听了。。。我真的希望不会发生。。如果发生了。。我也不知道什么办? 也许,我应该不要想太多。。。就算真的发生。。。就不能跑逼。。在什么跑逼, 也是没有用的。。只有,走一步,看一步了。。



当我写这个entry 的时候,我是收到一个朋友的sms.. 我告诉一些朋友我已经离开了Kbox.. 他们都问我为什么这么突然? 其实,如果要讲整个故事,是很长。。用文字是写不完的。。。只能用mouth 来讲。。。

Delphine 说不是我的全错。。。为什么我不要讲出来? 我也不知道为什么我不要把心里的话讲出来?难道我真的累了在解释?我一直都知道C4 的同事,什么做?我只是选择open 1 eyes, close 1 eyes.. 全部的责任,我来当。。。我只知道,我已经没有那种冲力去做工了。。。你可以说我自炮自欺。。。我承认。。我没有骗人。。从我一进来,我一直很努力去学会。。当我爬的高,我的压力大。。我一直做错东西。。因为我压力大,心不在工作上。虽然,每天,逼自己来做工。。虽然,很累。。可是,我答应一些朋友,我会努力。。也许,从那里,我真的感觉压力。。只想喝醉,如果有gathering..

有一个朋友, sms 给我,告诉我,有的时候,我觉得你对朋友太好,我不知道他们会不会去appreciate 或者他们会爬到我的头上来? 我告诉他,谁叫我too soft heart people?

才有一个朋友告诉我,我是Capricorn. Capricorn is a person who once had set a mind to do the things, will go all the way to do till the end. And very loyal to friends.. Always will help friends up..Is a Faithful person.. 从不计较钱的东西。。因为我是一个容易满足的人。。Ya.. I agree.. It is my TRUE CHARCTER..

才有一个人说:我好傻。。为什么要让自己痛苦? 可是,我从头到未,我没有后悔曾经做过的事。。他说: 我真的为身边的每一个朋友,帮了很多忙。。可是,当你面对低潮,有几个朋友会伸出手来帮你? 我告诉他,朋友是不应该去计较钱或其他事。。如做了多少?因为谈钱,伤感情。。真的。。。起码在我低潮的时候,有Minghui & Jimmy 帮我。。我也答应请Minghui 吃饭。。谢谢他帮我在我低潮的时候。。我不会忘记。。真的。。我一拿到工钱,我就请你吃饭。。不要忘了我们的约定。。

**最后的感想:我们一生,只活一次。。想要做的,就敢敢的去做。。不要想太多。。。fall down already. Never mind, stand up again & walk straight to ur NEW LIFE. Don't look back..

Thanks, Shi Qian & Shi Ying

~Me help Shi Qian "zipai~
~Shi Qian "zipai"~

原本,我很想在上个星期post 这些photos。可是,因为我姐夫不在新加坡。。我upload 不到photos..要和Shi Qian 讲Sorry for the late updated pic.. 当我看到你upload pic 在你的blog.. 我第一个感觉是,开心和感谢。。你真的没有break promise.. 才拍了很多photos with Micky Mouse.. 谢谢。。 真的谢谢你。。
我很高兴你和Shi Ying 喜欢我送给你们的生日礼物。。。Shi Qian, 当我看到你和Micky Mouse 合照。。我看到一样东西,让我一直在笑。。我不知道你有没有发觉? 哈哈。。
**最后的感想:只是想Specially post this entry to thanks Shi Qian for had keep the promise of me.. And “不见不散" 的口号。。。加油for ur study.. Stay happy.. And don't stress urself..^_^

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My luck is it going down?

我的霉运是不是下掉了? 为什么我会这么讲? 因为我做什么都不如意。。昨天,在我回家的路上,我弄到我的脚。。现在,走路都一脚,一脚的。。。刚刚叫chinese doctor 来我家跟我弄。。好痛。。。

昨晚,当我在上网的时候,我电脑前面一只butterfly...我不知道它是我老爸,才是MC King来找我。。也许,它知道我bad luck 吧?可是,放心。。我真的没事了。。 我的第3 个手机也开了。。。我的第一个手机,才没有settle...

我希望我的霉运能快点离我而去。。不管在事业或友情。。。My Dear God, Please heal my LIFE..I Really need YOU NOW...

C4 再见了。。

~Me & "Xiao Huang" Aloy, he is a funny guy~

~C4 Small Family~ Love U all.....

~C4 Bar,recept & Servers, Cool guy~ Love U all..

当我写这个entry 是,我想跟我的recept Celine讲。。不要觉得对不起我和Superior.. 我不会去怪你或任何一个人。。我知道我很傻。。去帮你们顶这个黑锅。。可是,我不介意。。要记得,我们C4曾经在一起快乐的时候。。美好的回忆是very short..

我不在C4 做了。。我们可以时常用sms keep in touch... 你告诉我,你好想抱我。。可以,不过前答应我,见我的时候,要开心。。我不要看到你,不开心的样子。。。好吗?朋友就是help 1 another..And 不要说抱歉。。。

而我呢?我真的没事。。我会去很坚强的过我的每一天。。因为Joey 是不容易打到的。。我不会哭。。放心。。我的心死了。。我的泪干了。。我不知道什么叫伤心了? 也许,我看开了。。随心而走了。。。

Friday, July 25, 2008


我刚从E Hub Kbox 回来。。。 因为我的recept 今天生日。。。 她喝醉了。。我要一直照顾她。。虽然,我也喝了不少。可是,我才很清醒。。我看到她为了“爱情" 哭。。而我虽然心里面,有不开心和伤痛。。我才在Kallang MRT 哭。 为了一件事。。。在这里,我想了很久,我知道也许,我说了会很直,会让人误会我。。 可是,我已经不管了。。我时常为人想,有谁为我想?

如果你觉得全是我的错。。那我告诉你,就当是我的错好了。。我不会去解释了。。 我累了。因为你跟本不了解我?人家讲什么,你就听。。 那你有没有想到in my shoe?

我本来拍了很多和Kbox 同事的照片,想给你们看。我们不忘玩,当工作。。 可是, 我放弃blog 了。。

**最后的感想:我想对Jimmy, Minghui & Delphine 说的。。真的谢谢你们比谁才了解我。。真的。。当我刚才哭的时候,我好想抱你们痛哭。。我不会再blog & on my 1st & 3rd hp.. Sorry.. 我真的需要让我的心去休息。。我只能用一句话来说:我真的不知道为什么每次受伤的人是我?请不要说你了解我。。说一句老实话,你跟本不了解我。。。

Jimmy, 你放心。。 你跟我说的话,我不会忘记。。我会加油。。 别人不了解我,不要紧。。有你,Minghui & Delphine了解我,我已经满足了。。



[2]“原谅我" . (Specially to Jimmy, Minghui & Delphine, forget me for never contact u all in a short period.)

再见了, 我亲爱的blog reader....U all must take care.. 我会加油给一个人看...

Thursday, July 24, 2008


我原本不想updated blog 的。。因为这几天,我真的过着很平静的日子。。没有开手机的日子。。只是想sms 给人,问她有没有这首歌的时候,我才开电话。。

有人问我为什么没有updated blog 这几天? 我告诉他,我不想updated blog, 因为不想updated blog, 也没有心情去写。。虽然,心里有很多心事想说出来,可是,我放弃了。。我也有感动的话,想对Shi Qian 讲。。 当我看到她放我送给她的Micky Mouse.. 谢谢你。。。我已经save 那些photos 了。。我会在心情比较好的时候,udated blog.. 也许是2weeks, 1mths or even longer... 我真的不知道?

我只想对那些不管你们把我当好朋友,才是Joey Mummy or JoeyMa...我真想让“心" 休息。。。

我想对girl 说的是:如果你真的觉的我是很喜欢catch attenditon的人。。我想对你说:你错了。。你跟本不了解我的为人。。。如果你看不过眼我的blog, PLEASE GET LOSE MY BLOG.. MY BLOG DUN WELCOME U TO READ.. 如果你有胆,就请用真名。。除了那些胆小鬼,不敢用真名。。。

**最后的感想:我真的不想做任何一个人的Joey Mummy or JoeyMa..而是好朋友。。Sorry, all my friends, I will off my hp for a long period..不知道几时会开机。。。你们可以sms 我,如果我有开机,我一定会回sms...今晚,庆祝recept 的生日。。我想我会喝很多。。。。

Monday, July 21, 2008


我刚刚起来,我打开hp 看到一个朋友的sms ..他给我了一些意见。。。放心。。 我真的没事。。不管我在你们眼里是Joey, Joey Mummy 或JoeyMa, 我都不会在掉一滴泪了。。。因为我随“心" 走了。。我不会把太多的"爱" 给人以后。。。因为累了。。。我会让我的“心"去休息, 第3个hp 也休息。。第1个hp 已经被temp cut off..下个月,才去还钱。。第2hp会开着。。因为让Joanne或Mixue 可以找到我.. 好想米雪大姐煮的"tomato eggs"。。

我们"心" 里面有一条路。。向前跑吧,没有谁会为谁而停下。。如果有机会,我真的好想和你们分享这首歌叫“路". 是一个朋友写词曲,才有他写了很多。。Minghui 听了。。 他也觉得很好听。。也许,他写的歌,是我们生活中,所面对过的。。才有一首歌,他写了“爱过这一会,永不后悔,就让我孤独孤独的面对,就让你自由的飞。。。


我想我OFF 的那天晚上, 我会和Kbox 的recept & 一些同事去喝几杯。。好久没有喝了。。Fri 是recept 的生日。。

随着"心" 走。。。

我写这个entry 的时候,我听了很多有"Feel" 的歌。。我听了一个朋友做的词曲“路”。。这首歌,让我想到什么去写这个entry.. 因为这个Title 是很special...为什么? 让我告诉你们为什么?

我们每一个人都有一颗“心”。。我们有多少次是随着“心”而走呢? 在我们身边有多少真真的去了解我们的人?有多少的人和你是有“心有灵犀" ? 有多少的人,可以看透你的“心" ?

我永远觉得我的blog, 我写发生什么事?终觉的永远都会有人知道我面对什么事... 每当我感到气和失意的时候,我都会被那个人开解我。。因为那个人了解我的性格。。可是,我每次都瞒着那个人,我每次都说,我没事。。可是, 我其实都有事。。因为我不想让他胆心。。。也是,我不想让他觉得我永远都需要朋友陪我。。我也一直很努力把我的工作做好。。就算,我再什么累,在工作方面,面对问题,我都选择静静不讲。。。

我答应过的人, 我会加油,在我的工作岗位,我不会让你们失望。。 真的。。我说我拿的第一个月pay, 我会请你吃饭。我会做到。。我也会买Samsung Camera来奖励自己的努力。。我不好意识每次跟姐夫借camera.. 你和我一起努力。。Our Promise..

最近,我发觉我心里不知道为什么会对一件事变淡?难道我真的是随着“心”走了。。。我真的不知道。。难道我们人的心里真的会有的时候,会有太多的记忆,会把记意带走?或留在心里? 才是选择手放开,为爱而放手?我想我心里面,已经有了答案。。不管,我们每一个人身在那里? 只要自己知道,谁是真的爱你,关心你。。就算,好久没有sms 或打电话给朋友,不代表你把他们给忘了。。 而是好朋友是从开始到未。。永不变。。只是看个人,什么去面对和看待朋友。也许, 我们时常见面,可是你不是真真了解我的人。。也许,好朋友6mths, 1yrs or 2yrs or 3 yrs 才见面也不一定。。 也许,这种感觉会比较好。。不是吗?以下有3首歌,要给你们听




**最后的感想:我不是Emo 或不开心。。只是想把过去1个月心里面一直想说的话,讲出来。。也许,因为我真的是看开了。。。不去在乎了。。随着“心" 走了...

My days @ Kbox on 17/07 - 20/07

Yoz.. Now is the time to share the past 4 days @ Kbox. Alot surprise during the weekend.. Cos all my friends passby & come & find me.. Haha.. but u all forget smt... Let start now.. Yeah....

[1]Thursday 17/07 - is a Ladies Nite for Kbox again.. And also alot ppl come & sing also.. I was like busy on floor & teach Yan Hua for closing of cashier things.. My supper is Fried Rice & Nuggets.

[2]Friday 18/07 - I work 8pm - 4am.. Before I start work, I go Tampines Mall passed Shi Qian bdae present.And have a short chat with her.. After I passed her birthday present.. I walk around Orchard Far East Plaza, cos the time is still damn early.. Dun know do what? Haha.. When I do window shopping.. I saw a Zine bag shop.. I walk in & have a look.. I saw a bag.. I like .. So decide to buy for myself.. Cos my the old 1, the Zip is spoil.. So, I buy new 1 for me.. Maybe asked Mum help me saw the zip. Haha. Cos I dun bear to throw away.. Maybe cos of this bag accompany me alot memories .....Then, after buy, I go Lucky Plaza buy Honey Milk Tea bubble Tea...Long time, never drink lah.. The last time, I drink is when QQ sick...Then, i go to Kbox & hang around...Never eat dinner.. Cos now everyday I never eat dinner, save $$. Just wait for supper..Then, 7.30pm, I start working lah.. Cos saw alot ppl come in lah.. I from 7.30pm busy until 4am... Then, closing also asked Yan Hua to do. Cos she learning how to do cashier job..
My supper is fried Noodles..

[3]Sat 19/07 - Me actually work 2pm - 10pm, but got 1 cashier said want to change shift with me. So, I work 8pm - 4am.. So, I can sleep longer time.. Cos if I work until 4am. I reached home 6.30am..Then, I can 5pm wake up. The crowd of peoples come after 9pm... When I stand outside recept, I saw Jimmy passby.. Haha... He very cute loh. He sms me, am I working cine 2dae? B4 I start work... I said yap 8pm - 4am.. I thought wat? But inside my heart, I guess he want to come & find me.. Just never asked him.. Haha...But I really feel touched & apprecaite for passby, while u with ur 2 friends.. We had been 3 weeks never meet up, after I had start work for Kbox... My collegue change shift me, fri nite she work until 4am, sat work 2pm.. She not enough slp.. She undercharge 1 room, got 11pax.. undercharge $143.. We had called them can come down pay the undercharge bills.. They are Korea kids..But dun know will they come & make the payment or not? If dun hv.. Then, no choice, my collegue had to bear for the cost.. I also can't help her.. I want to help.. But the bills things, I can't change. Cos account will asked..Now, u all know that do cashier is not an easy job.. Cos we got to answer & bear the accounts.. Specailly when we not enough sleep..My supper is 水饺面。。Nice but the 耗油put too many & sweet..

[4]Sun 20/07 - I work 2pm - 10pm. This is the day, I was so tired... I wake up at 11.30am.. My hp alarm set 10.30am.. But i press off & go back to sleep again.. Cos I reached home 6.30am.. I only sleep 4hrs.. OMG.. 11.30am wake up, bath & eat lunch.. Then 12.30pm left my hse go for work.. When on the way, I want to slp, can't slp.. Cos no seats for me.. I got to stand up.. OMG.. No choice.. Around 1.33pm , reached Cine, I go Cheers buy 1 can coffee.. Cos I really can't "tahan" lah... Sorry lah.. I know I had promise drink less coffee.. But can't.. My eyes want to close lah.. I like forcing my eyes to open & awake.. I want to sleep but can't.. Haiz.. When I feel like sleepy, Minghui & Xueting come in Kbox & find me.. Haha.. Then, I come out & talk with them awhile.. Cos they told me, they going to see "Lin Yu Zhong".. So, no choice loh.. But I really apprecaited they passby & find me.. Cos it is a surprise.

**最后的感想:谢谢Jimmy, Minghui & Xueting come & find me @ Kbox.. Even u all passby awhile.. I already very happy.. Really.. 因为聚会不在与久。。short & sharp talk also can make me happy.. 也许,我是一个比较会满足的人吧。。Hope to see more friends again.. Heehe...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My day with Shi Qian on 18/07/2008

Yoz... 我想我这个entry 会先少了pictures 先。。因为我在等我的姐夫回来。。他去了India 做工。。他拿了USB for download pic in comp things.. 才有我也在等Shi Qian send 给我照片。。哈哈。。。先让我写我的entry 吧。。。

昨天,是Shi Qian 和Shi Ying 的生日。。Shi Qian 和我约在Tampines Mall.. 昨天我做工8pm,我4点多就到TM. 在我到TM之前,我2.30pm 出门,到Kbox 拿Shi Qian & Shi Ying 的礼物。。因为Shi Qian 的礼物很大。。Haha... (Shi Qian, u shall know, rite?) 然后,我搭cab 从cineleisure to TM. 当我到了,才没有看到Shi Qian, 我就在Mcdonald open air outside sitting, while wait for her...过一会儿,Shi Qian 和她的classmate到。。Shi Qian看到那个礼物,第一句话,问我“是不是很贵?" 我告诉她,“是,超过$120".她就说,好了。。 不要说。。。我可以看到她的眼神,很感动。哈哈。。。我够朋友了吧。。钱那里来,我不会告诉你们。。为了朋友,再多的钱,我都不会去记较。。也许,我是比较重友情的人,,所以我从来不把钱看在眼里。。

然后,我叫Shi Qian也帮我把Shi Ying 的礼物交给她。。也是,她喜欢的。。哈哈。。Shi Qian 跟我不好意识,因为她不能和我聚会太久,因为她的classmates 在TM 等她。。我也不会让她难做人。。因为我一心一意想把那2个礼物交给她。。也是,我们的“不见不散”的约定。。 我也不会忘了和birthday gal 拍照。。在我们拍照的过程,很多笑话。。很好玩。。。

**最后的感想:我要谢谢Evonne 告诉我Shi Qian & Shi Ying 喜欢什么?才有Rina, 谢谢你告诉我,Shi Ying 喜欢的东西,可以在那里找到?Shi Qian & Shi Ying, 很高兴你们喜欢我送给你们的礼物。。“唯我独尊”真的让我认识你们这些朋友。。才有Minghui, Evonne, Peiyi 等等。。。希望我们之间的友情,会长久。。而且是真友情,而不是“面具”的友情。。。。Shi Qian, 不要忘了,你答应我2 件事噢。。[1] Photos [2] U shall knoe wat? b4 we said bye bye to each other.. Haha..


我心里面有太多的“火".. 这个“火”, 是火气,coughing 每当我睡觉的时候,我都一直在咳。。我很讨厌。。。好了,我想我该开始我的entry 了;

[1]我知道我长得不是很好看,可是请你不要一直用那种“讽刺" 的话来跟我说。。 我不想听到。什么如果我放很香的香水,我走过,你闻到很香。可是,如果一转头看,OMG...

[2]不要动我,如果动我,我要去漂白。。(PLEASE loh..那你也不要每次打我,我想对他说的)..

[3]从开始,我没有说我长得美丽。。我知道自己长得什样? 请你多尊重一下人家的自尊心,好吗?

[4]在这个世界里,没有全部的女孩子都是美的。。有美,有丑的。。可是,我们的样子,不是我们要的。。是上帝给我们的。。你们以为我喜欢我长得这个样子吗? 我没有的选择。。我只有认命。。可是,上帝给了我什么叫“爱" ? 我感激他给我一个完美的身体,有手,有脚,有眼睛,有一对ears..我什么都不缺。。。

**最后的感想:美的东西不会到老,长久的。。到一个时候,她也会变老,丑的。。人不要每次美的表面来觉的那个人是好,或坏。。就想Apple, 你看那个Apple, 原本是美,好好的。。可是,有些Apple 里面是坏的。。你都不知道?看不到?是不是太迟了呢? 我本生认为,我们一定要真真的去了解和跟每一个人接触,我们才会了解,那个人的为人?你们觉得我讲的对吗?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday To Shi Qian & Shi Ying..

Shi Qian & Shi Ying, Happy 19th Birthay to both of u... 是“唯我独尊" 让我认识你们。。和你们谈话的日子不多。。。只有在最后的几个星期里,我才有和Shi Qian 谈天。。就因为我们的“不见不散"的约定合照。。那也是我第一次,等Shi Qian 这么久。。Cos of our promise.. 我们一直来都是在Msn 谈天。可是,不多。。。因为Shi Qian 那时很忙study & "唯我独尊"。。我才记得你告诉我你很累。。我告诉你,多忍几天。。一切就快完了。。。你可以的。。。我才记得你是几时和我说:"Hello"..现在,我想我也该不讲太多了。。因为我不想等下又太多事非。。 我很怕事非。。
Shi Qian & Shi Ying, 你们的礼物在我这里。。。希望你们会喜欢我送给你们的礼物。。不要忘了拍很多照噢。。。Haha.. Shi Qian, U know what I mean? ^_^

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Miss somebody I like

[1]HK 米雪 - 想念你煮的菜。。

[2] HK 雪梨 - 想念我陪你偷偷摸摸的日子smoking...

[3]Felicia - 想念4年前,我们的快乐时光,尤其“老地方” & keep in touch things..

[4] MC King - 你的欢笑,笑声。。

[5]许美静-想念10年前,你做roadshow, 我一直叫你"Baby".

[6] 2Moro - 想念你们来新加坡的时候,和我去Taipei, 高雄等等追你们的roadshow.才有彦甫,我们一起拍“舞出彩虹”的快乐的日子。。在机场的那个拥抱。。。

[7]廖莹莹 - 谢谢你的CD,你给我和记得我这个朋友。。

[8] 洪秋婷(Ah Teng & QQ) - 谢谢你给了我无数的美好回忆,无数的nick names, "Lame Jokes" & funny pattern...永远不会忘记。

[9]Joanne Peh - 谢谢你在这么多年来都一直这么相信我和了解我的为人。没有后悔认识你。。

[10]Cheryl (Godsis) - 一年一年看着你变的懂事了。学会了什么去爱你身边的人和朋友。。也知道不要让我口袋破洞,当我请客的时候。。谢谢你每次的拥抱。。

[11] Delphine - 谢谢你做了我这么多年的好朋友,时常听我的心事。。和了解我的为人。。

[12]Rina - I know ur chinese is not good.. So, I specially write English for u.. Haha.. Thanks for being my "regular" good friends for so many years.. Really apprecaite.. We share the same artiste support & everything..

[13] Vincent - 谢谢你做我的好朋友这么多年和了解我的为人。。

[14] Minghui - 谢谢你,用眼睛和感觉去了解我的为人。谢谢你帮我做了很多在过去4个月。

[15]Jimmy - 谢谢你在这么short period know & understand me well.. And already lend me ur ears to listen my prombles, whenever I need u.. Cos u are my gd friend..

[16] Peiyi (GF) - 谢谢你借“为我独尊”,更了解我的人。。把之前你对我的坏影响给改变了。也让我们的友情拉进一步。

[17] Christalle - 我们从一个不什么认识到慢慢的认识对方的为人和性格。不管以后你是不是要离开新加坡去到另一个国家做工。想对你说:这里有关心和爱你的朋友,痴痴的等你回来,聚会。。千万不要忘了我们噢。。

[18]Shi Qian - "不见不散" ,谢谢你让我们从不认识对方,到认识。。也谢谢你时常读我的blog, be my "secrect blog reader" haha...希望明天你会喜欢我送给你的礼物。。





为什么我会突然写莹莹?因为那天我读到新明有报道以前的“才华",现在忙什么?我就打算写email 给她。。昨天,她真的回我的msg,好快。。。我昨天才send 给她。。

我写给她:"Hi, Michelle.. How Are U? Long time no see.. Miss u... "

她回我msg: "Hi Joey, how are you?miss you too:)I am pursuing master program in San Francisco now. How's everything with you?"

当我读到她的msg. 我心里面有无数的感动。。 因为我没有想到我们很久没见面。。我们心里面才记得对方和友情才在。。。莹莹曾经帮我一个帮忙。。是她把我介绍HK Mixue 给我。。就是从那里,我才当上Mixue & Xue Li PA.这件事,我不会忘记的。。永远的感激在心里,等你回来Singapore, 我一定会叫你和我见面。。保重,朋友。。。


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My days @ Kbox on 14/07 - 16/07

Yoz, now is the time for me to write the past 3 days when I was in Kbox lah.. Let's start.. Baby;

[1]Monday 14/07 - is my OFF day, so in my previous entry.. I had said I whole day at home & sleep until 4.45pm then wake up...And cos Migraine, I never meet Tanat.. Actually plan to meet 2pm @ Orchard, but cancel meeting... Haiz.. Sorry, Tanat.. I know you don't mind.. But I still have to tell u...

[2]Tuesday 15/07/2008 - nothing special happened at my working.. Just after work, C8 servers told me that tat day they take pictures @ K-U of K pool. The 9 guys take pic, got 1 "white face ghost" behind them.. OMG.. When I see it.. We all don't believe, we try to use all of us hp to take pic & see got or not? We even use odd ppl to take pic.. Cos I told them that GHOST will come & find us is when got odd peoples.. But haiz.. at the end, all the pic dun hv...When I reached home, my hse the outside light spoil... OMG.. Make it like so scare...Then, when I want to sleep, also cannot sleep well.. every 1 hrs wake up... Cos my minds keep appeared "The Ghost face" so scarey.. Until around 11am, then I can sleep well, wake up at 4pm.. Horror day for me..
My Supper is 鱼片粗米粉。

[3]Wed 16/07/2008 - is a boring nite for me when working.. I hate Wed nite.. Cos not alot peoples.. Make me damn sianz.. 2dae only 1 server is a handsome, cute & talkative guy. Haha.. Yan Hua MC.. This guy now work C4, cos Wang Yi had request work morning shift lah... So, now I know another new family in our C4 "small family".. Haha..Whole nite I stay at cashier room, paste & chop the bills pad...Cos damn sianz... want to spend my times fast....My Supper is Fried noodles & prawn rolls.

Now, C4 Recept Celine like to call me "Joey Mama".. Cos she saw QQ picture at Cashier room & I told her, QQ called me "JoeyMa".. So, she also called me "Joey Mama".. When she called me that, make me think of 2 of peoples.. Who also called me "Joey Mummy" & "JoeyMa"..


Monday, July 14, 2008

My Favourite Chocz Chocolate

我刚刚吃了Chocz Chocolate。 那天,我买的才有省。。心里有很多的东西出现在我脑里。。我不会说出来。。。也许,因为我学会了,什么去保护自己。。。

我给你们以下的website, 现在他们有promotion.. 也许,你们能买来try & taste it.. 我没有骗你们,真的很好吃。。

Alcohol Chocolate is really can make some1 happy.. When they feeling down..

**最后的感想:我想和爱的人,一起吃。。。。。(U shall know who u r)...

Sorry never meet u...

I write this entry just to said Sorry to Tanat.. Cos actually plan to meet him today. But cos of my Migraine pain again.. I sms him 10.30am.. Told him, I can't meet him 2dae.. Sorry, Tanat.. So,We change tml meet him.. Before I went to work.. Hope tml my Migraine, will STOP IT & PLEASE LEAVE ME FAR FAR .. GOD, Pls heal me up.. Thanks...

Today, I sleep until 4.45pm.. When I wake up, my right eyes abit pain, dun know why? Maybe too "Heat" in my body.. OMG. I think I had never sleep so long b4.. Maybe I really so tired the past few days.. That why, when I sleep, I will sleep until so long.. Haha.. Wake up, eat abit lunch, then online chat email, download songs, updated blog & listen to songs.....

My OFF day, I really never do much.. So, don't know what to write.... That all for 2day...

Msg to Pamela

Overall, a great day spent at the beach! The place which i love n hate at the same time, same sentiments as Jojo! BUT HOR, B4 I FORGET, STH SPOILED MY DAY TOO. Was super sian when i saw the person whom I DISLIKE THE MOST too there lo, JOEY CHAN! Pls lo, u dun like me, i dislike U too likewise, juz dat i m nt as evil as u, blog it out! Since u chose to write abt me first, i shall follow u likewise! And didnt noe u r so THICK-SKINNED oso, nt close to Kailin n Kaileng, pretend to write until like as if u r so close to them! Ee, damn disgusting, pukes! Anyway, i m nt gonna let her spoil my mood sia XS.

**Actually, I don't know you write me in ur blog, is someone told me. Then, I go & see.. When I see this entry... There are something, I WANT U TO KNOW;

Answer: IS NO.

Answer: IS NO. I just share my thought & thanks & show my concern on a normal friend who I know around me.

[3]U & I SEE EACH OTHER "不算”,Cos inside ur heart, is FULL OF JEALOUS.. When someone close to ur idols, u not happy...If u dun have the action.. I believe that we can be normal friends loh... And hv u try to ask urself, why so many peoples dun like u? Cos of this. Now, I tell u that...I dun want to explore ur mistake in my blog.. Cos it is not a gd things..But I think I don't have a time to explain everything in a short while..

[4]Dun say U not Jealous or unhappy at all. When others ppl close to ur Idols.. Take e.g. Felicia, Lingyi, Yan Yan, Huan.. How many quarrel u have between other fans? All the details & answer u shall know..

[5]I go Sentosa that day, is to see Joanne & Felicia.. Cos Delphine & Rina asked me, am I going? So I go down. I dun find anything wrong that when I go down there? Even I see u tat day, I also treat u transparent.. I never blog u in my blog, said when I saw u, Spoil my moods. I saw u so many events in Felicia 1.. I also never blog it.. Even my heart, I hate u. But I think it is a small things, I won't said out.. I only said out when tat time, U stick with us for dinner.. So, sometimes u must make things very CLEAR..

**最后的感想:我不是生气,我也不会去为这一点小事生气,我只是要Pamela 知道。。我知道我答应过一个人,我不会再写那些人名字,如果他们弄我生气。。我这个entry 只是想解释给她。。让她明白什么叫做check & understand & read CLEARLY, before blogging...Thanks

懂了& 了解。。。

我写这个entry 的时候,是我在回家的路上,我坐在第一排double deck Express 502.我对这window, 听着比较慢的歌曲。。心里面有无数的感触。。也许,我因为我没有想到在我身边有几个了解我的为人和性格的朋友。。我写这个文章的时候,我不会写出那个人是谁?可是男的,也可以是女的。。confirm is more than 1 person who I talk of.. (Please don't asked me, who are they?) I believe when I write, my all friends, U KNOW I WRITE ABT U.. 让我们开始吧。。

[1]有人告诉我,我好像一个Campfire. U r like a Campfire which is able give warm & joy to the Campers.我永远没有想到我会是一个Campfire, who able give warm & joys around my friends.因为我没有想到我的那一把火,可以感动到每一个朋友。。难道这就是所为叫做“把爱散波出去”?也许,我这把Campfire, 真的帮到很多人,当他们需要我帮忙。。我也不知道?

[2]我自己本身很了解我性格。我知道我是一个很直的人。所以,当有人踩到我的头,或make angry..我就会写在我的blog..不管开心的?或不开心的?或那个人让我很气?我都一一写在这里。我也知道我的blog很多人在看,读。。所以,现在我不会把任何一个人的名字写在我的名字。当那个人如果让我生气。。因为我不想再让以前有一个不开心和难忘的恶梦发生。。朋友,谢谢你给我意见,让我懂了和了解。我真的答应你我会改,(Just U wait & see) .. Haha..尽量不把人家make me angry things post at my blog & put thier name.. Maybe I shall learn Felicia, Minghui & Delphine blog, always put "secret code" in the blog.. So that won't so explore.. Haha..

[3]没有想到我的一个回应一个朋友的msg, 能带他无数的安慰。。我知道我曾经很恨你,因为是你害我。。可是,我这个人就是这样不会太记过。。除非是那些人,做了一些伤害我或朋友的事。。我永远都不会忘记。。因为那种恨已经在心里面的骨头。。就算我是一个失败的人,又什样?起码我没有害你和你朋友吵架。。



[6]现在我们每一个人都在忙自己的东西。After "U R The One",读书的读书,做工的做工。。为自己而活了。。不再为谁而活。。I had set my plan & 目标。。When I get my 1st pay of Kbox, 我要做什么了?我答应过的那些朋友的事,我不会忘记。。我也会买一个礼物来奖励自己.

[7]MC King & 老爸“七月”要来了(01/08/2008)。我会烧一些银纸给你们。。Promise..


这两首歌,代表了我的心情。。如果那些很了解我,就知道我想对你们说的是什么的感想?现在,4am 要去睡了。。写这么多。。。也累了。。晚安。。。^_^.

Shi Qian, this friday,ur bdae... I will get smt for u... Promise.. Even u said dun need, I still will get..Big Surprise.. As a friend, get a bdae present... Haha..

My days @ Kbox on 10/07 - 13/07

Now, is the time to write the entry of my 1 week @ Kbox things lah.. I also don't know what to write? Maybe cos my minds thinking of the next entry of what to blog already.. So, this entry is maybe a short & sharp for me... Let's start;

[1] Thursday 10/07 - Is my OFF day.. And Minghui meet me after his school. I believe that u all had read previous entry, where we meet & what we had do? So, I shall not repeat it already..

[2]Friday 11/07 - B4 I start work, I go & find Cheryl, passed her birthday present. During the working hours @ Kbox, same weekend is busy day for me.. Busy of teaching Yan Hua doing Cashier things.. Cos my senior asked me to asked Yan Hua do Cashier.. So, I followed her words..
I always think weekend is not suitable to teach new staffs.. Cos weekend is a busy day & want to explain & teach is not easy for us. I always think that want to teach is during weekday. So that they will know & learn slowly...When they know & learn, they can get in hand in "Weekend War". When I teach Yan Hua half way, superior asked Yan Hua come out help to do serving.. He said why want let her learn Cashier in weekend? I said my Senior say 1.. So, I listen loh..
I still remember My Mummy Angie, teach me also during weekday,whole nite like keep open room, answer call & billing.. Make me feel the time passed very fast.. I work 8pm - 4am. Reached home 6am, slp @ 6.30am.My supper is Black Pepper noodles & Chicken Wings. Haha..

[3] Sat 12/07 - I work 2pm - 10pm.. When I wake up, my eyes is red on right side.. OMG... Cos I wake up 10.30am.. I sleep ONLY 4hrs & having early lunch. Cos my mum cook for me..12.20pm left my house.. When on the way to work, inside the bus, I sleep all the way until Tanglin Mall area.. I wake up lah..Reached Kbox, my find that my minds is NOT OPEN yet.. Minds is not there, even my body is there for work.. 2pm start work, I discovered ONLY 1 server, 1 recept, 1 Cashier, 1 bar.. OMG.. I had to come out & help the server.. Even I was so damn tired.. But I still help everyone.. Cos I dun want C4 "small family" mess & die..Bar also same as me tired. He also work 4am on Friday, he whole nite never sleep..His eyes more red then me... But overall, I still happy for helping server for work.. REALLY.It is what I called "TEAM WORK" & "Small Family".. Help 1 another.. After work go C8 punch card, saw my Area Manager, he asked me, "hey, u go home lah?". I said "Yap, last nite work 4am, 2day work 2pm, ONLY slp 4hrs.."Then, he asked me"how? Am I get use working here?" I said; "Yap, now I get used lah". He said; "Must help look after C4." I said; "Don't Worry. C4 is my "small family". He tap my shoulder & smile to me; "Good, Ok , go home & sleep lah.. U also tired lah." Then, we said bye bye. My Area Manager is a nice guy.. He always show concern on me, scare I don't get use.. I will proof to everyone, I will do as gd as last time 1 day.. Just need times to get use.. Cos alot of things change.. Reached home 12.30am.. Never slp, drink 1 cup coffee & updated blog, to fill up my hunger.. Cos I never eat Dinner..

[4] Sun 13/07 - I work 2pm - 10pm.. Today, I not feel tired like Sat.. Maybe cos I had enough sleep lah.. Today, K Happy not alot peoples. So, I stay inside Cashier & sit & do some stuffs prepare for next mths stuffs.. My Dinner, I eat Sushi... Haha.. Just opp C4 Kbox.. Miss their foods & also got 10% discount.. Cos Kbox staffs.. Kbox boss open 1.. Haha..
10pm I off work, taking bus home.. On the way home, I sms Tanat, asked him Monday meet what time & also Charlyn & Kai Xiang.. Cos I thought of meet them in 1 day. But in different time.. Cos their stuffs is still with me.. I don't want hold their things too long..Wait I forget..Haha.. Kai Xiang told me, he can't meet me.. So, I told him.. Meet next week when I off.. But don't know when. Haha...In the bus, I recieved Jimmy sms.. He asked me, how am I? Do I feel better? I told him.. I fine.. But just sometimes got Migraine. And Sat & Sun, after I eat Lunch.. I votmit.. All the foods, I eat come out.. Don't know why? He said maybe I too stress? I said NO.. I already very relax.. My health is weak. I know.. U all see me so big size.. But I weak..

**最后的感想:This week is alot surprise for me.. Really.. Thanks all my Dear Friends.. Those who had come down find me & sms me (U shall know who u are?) I won't explore who are they? Just want to tell you all, thanks for the sms.. At least, let me know that u all never forget me..Make me feel touched..

Peiyi, ur birthday celebration. I promise u, I will go.. Confirm...Just I don't know I work what time on 26/07? Don't know my off approved or not? If not, then I maybe will work 2pm - 10pm.. After work, I rush down join u all.. Ok? Is a promise from me. Cos U R MY "GF".. Haha.. I won't miss the gathering with u & Minghui... Cos when 3 of us together, will have alot fun.. Looking forward for the gathering.. Cya..

Sunday, July 13, 2008

14/07/2008 OFF Day

Tomorrow is my OFF day... Haiz.. Sianz.. So fast OFF day...I don't like so fast OFF day.. Cos Last Thur 10/07/2008 just off.. Tomorrow OFF already... Don't know what to do Tomorrow? Maybe meet Tanat.. Cos I had to passed him Qiuting Lovelies fc T-shirt...That time, before he fly to Thailand, order from me..

我知道现在每一个人都在忙自己的事,工作了。。。真希望不要只忙自己的工作,而ignore 了身边的很多事。。如和朋友的聚会,谈天的机会。。因为我们人不知明天的事。。。也许今天,你看到你身边的朋友好好的。也许,明天你看到他们离开了这个世界了。。像MC KING...

我妈一直叫我做X-Ray check up , 因为我时常有Migraine, 我不想去做。。因为我怕我真的有什么病?有谁知道我心里在想什么呢? 。。。。。

**最后的感想:好想听到美丽的声音,笑声,Lames jokes & fun .........

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beautiful Love & Memories on 11/07/2008

~Me & Godsister, Cheryl~
~Me & Cheryl~
~Ex Ass. Chief Cashier, Angie Mummy~

~Shirlynn & Me~ Best Partner Cashier
~Neilie, Shirlynn (Ex C4 Morning Cashier) & Me ~
~Neilie (Ex C4 Server) & Me~

昨天,是一个让我在一天内,很多开心& surprise 的事。。让我用华语来写吧。。好久没有用华语写了。。如果你们有发觉,我最近都用英文写entry,因为我没有什么心去写。。只有我用华语写,是代表我很用心去写和想。。好了,我们开始吧;
昨天,我6pm 下去Tiong Bahru Plaza找我的干妹妹(Cheryl),因为昨天是她的生日。我做她的干姐姐不会忘记她的生日,也会买生日礼物给她。她一看到我 ,就拉我去开Citibank saving account. 我做她的干姐姐,我当然会给她支持啦。我就开了Saving Account.. 这个Citibank Saving Account, NO LIMIT OF AMT, NO SERVICE CHARGE, IF U LESS THAN $500.我觉得不错。我就开了。然后,我就把我给她的礼物交给她,是一个Love word & Heart shape..很美。。她也说很美,她说她很喜欢。。哈哈。。我听了,很开心。。因为我一直认为,"心中有爱"是很完美的。。6.20pm, 我就离开了,赶去做工8pm..我要去搭巴士,我看到一个盲人,他唱歌很好听,我就donate 了一些钱给他。不是几毛钱噢。。

8pm, 我开工。。就开始忙了。。在做工的时候,开到JS & 88来唱歌。。哈哈。谢谢你们来。。然后9点多,我看到以前时常来唱歌的customer Catherine & her bf.. 很高兴能看到他们。。因为我有sms 告诉Catherine, 说我回来了。。哈哈。。Thanks for come down & support me & see me..Really a very surprise for me..

10点多,我的Ex Chief Cashier Angie Mummy 来找我。。。Mummy,我好想你噢。。谢谢你来找我一下。。Really appreciate & feel touched...别忘了,下次,你来找我的时候,一定要和我拍照噢。。你答应我的。。我不会忘记。。

12点多,我的Ex partner Morning Cashier Shirlynn & Server Nielie也来找我。她们看1点多的戏。我就拉她们跟我拍照。我感觉我们好像重逢了。。。感觉很好。。好想念我们在一起做工的日子。。。不知我们才会有机会在一起做工吗?

**最后的感想:真的很开心,很多surprise..也让我把Migraine的痛给忘了。。虽然,在开工前,我吃了Migraine的药。。亲爱的朋友,你们真的对我很好,我想把以下的歌给你们;。 我爱你们,给了我无数的surprise & touched... Really appreciate.. I will never forget it...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Today, I went to see doctor...

I just went to see doctor, cos I not feeling well.. Doctor gave me 3 medicine.. 1 is Migraine, 1 is Gastric, 1 is body pain.. When lunch time, after I eat.. I vomit it.. Dun know why? Maybe like doctor had said, I was stress & tired. Not enough sleep.. Yes, I admit I was stress.. No one know why? Anyway, me going to go down find Cheryl, passed her birthday present. Then, go for work.. Here, is a song to share with you alll. Take Care.. Everyone..

My OFF day (10/07/2008) spend with Minghui

~This time is me do the Zipai, Skill is better than MH~ haha

~Minghui's hand cover this face~ Haha..

~Minghui Zipai Skill is not gd, cut his face~ Haha..

昨天是我的OFF day, 我睡到4pm 才起来。好久没有睡到这么晚过。。哈哈。。3.30pm, 我收到Minghui 的sms, 他问我要不要meet for drink 10pm @ Northpoint? I reply him.. OK.. 因为我说过,如果我一有空或OFF day, 我都会尽量catch up all my friends gathering.. It is a promise.. I won't break it meh..

Minghui 读书到9.30pm, 我问他,你跟我见面,会不会很rush? 他说他可以make it.. So, we agreed & meet 10pm @ Northpoint.. 我10pm 到了。Minghui 才没有到。我就去Mcdonald 坐先。。 Minghui 10.18pm 才到。。有人迟到噢。。他一到就说肚子饿,去买东西吃。。哈哈。。Minghui 看到我穿了Lovelies fc tshirt ..He said GD & ask am I wear too big? I said NO.我们就谈了最近什么样了?谈了Minghui study, my work @ Kbox, Peiyi's bdae celebration things, Kelly,QQ & so on..

我们11.35pm 就离开了。因为我怕Minghui can't catch the last bus & he also look tired.. Cos his eyes is red.. I also don't bear to hold him too long for chating.. Even the meeting period is very short, but is already enough & I already happy & 满足。。
**最后的感想:Minghui , thanks for catch up with me & meet me ytd.. Really apprecaite.. I hope that we will meet up whenever we are free & have fun again... And dun make until our friendship so far.. Like .... U know what I try to tell you, right? 感觉我们好像很靠近,可是感觉却那么的遥远,触摸不到你。。我不喜欢这种感觉。。。

**NOTE: 11/07 WORK 8PM - 4AM , 12/07 & 13/07 WORK 2PM - 10PM..**

Haiz.. Weekend coming, War & Stress coming lah.. Haha.. But never mind.. I still can take it.. Jia You loh.. Joey ^_^ Yeah....

Godsister (Cheryl), Happy Birthday To U

My Dear Sis, Happy Birthday.. My poor sis, 2dae ur birthday, u got to work until 8pm. But never mind.. 2nite b4 I go for work 8pm, I go down find u & pass u present then go for work lah.. And i also don't want to disturb u for working.. Hope you will like the present I gave u.. Haha.. See u 2nite loh.. Happy Working & enjoy ur celebration after ur work.. ^_^

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My days @ Kbox on 07/07 - 09/07

~C4 small family & A.C Recept Julin~
~C4 gals look like "GHOST~Haha...

~Me & C4 Nite recept Celine, she is a nice gal~

~Me & Yan Hua, take picture @ C4 Kbox recept~

~C4 Server Yan Hua & Wang Yi try to act as “真子" ~

~Crystal Jade Cake, the cake look nice~ Yummy!!

~09/07 my supper~

~07/07/08 my supper~

Yoz, I back to updated my blog share & talk abt my days on Kbox again, since today 10/07 I off. Got alot of time to write...Let's start now;
[1]Monday 07/07/2008 - nothing to talk & share.. Just that when I was taking lift to C8, saw the recept & asked me, now my post is "T.Cashier" or what? Which I had post & write b4.. So, I won't & said again.. Cos when say it, will spoil my days again...All nite, my moods is not gd cos of her...My supper is 伊面& Nuggets.
[2]Tues 08/07/2008 - it is also the day that I get smt words from manager, which I also dun like to heard & received.. Abt the detail, I dun think I shall explore here.. I cried awhile. Yan Hua saw me cried at cahsier.. She gave me tissue..Thanks for the comfort.. I alrite after cool down awhile.. My supper is Fried Rice & Prawn Rolls. But I never eat, cos 没味口..
[3] Wed 09/07/2008 - before I stared work, I go to Taka buy my favourite Chocz (Leonidas) Chocolate to bright my days, cos I know this brand chocolate can bright my days specially Alcohol favour. When I wake up, my Migraine come again.. And I also don't want keep drink coffee. I had 3 days b4 start work, never buy can of coffee...I try to control it.. And b4 start work, I will buy some sweets to work.. When I reached Kbox, I heard from peoples that A.C recept want to quit & work until this week.. Haiz.. she work for 4 years @ Kbox.. Cos she told me, she going back to help her mum in business.. And she also said that we work nite shift, she always reject her friends whenever they had gathering @ nite or weekend or even Public Holiday.. I TOTALLY AGREE, what she had said.. Cos we work nite shift, we REALLY will have less gathering with friends.. BUT MAYBE SOME OF OUR FRIENDS, DUN UNDERSTAND THAT WE ALWAYS HOPE CAN HAVE GATHERING WITH THEM, IF WE CAN B4 START WORK OR WHEN WE OFF DAY. So, when I know she going to leave, I plan to have a group pictures as memory..And I treat her Chocolate. Haha...And others also.. My supper is Rice, 1 egg & 2 favourite chicken wings. Haha..I love so simple meal..

**最后的感想是: 我的朋友, 你们在那里了? 好久没有听到你们的消息和跟你们见面了,快2 weeks 了。。你们难到都把我给忘了吗?LOVE IS BEATIFUL & LOVE IS SWEETS..
我从来都没有把你给忘记,永远都在我心里面。。。“回忆在心里" ...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Xiao Gui, 你在那里?

Xiao Gui, 你到底在那里? 我昨天有try to call ur hp, 可是你的line 被cut off 了?我真的不知道什么找你了? 可是,我永远不会忘记这个照片是你send 给我的。。以下这一首歌我special like it & want to u to know it;

& 我也要把这首歌给我的1st Ex Ah Yang..我不知道你现在过的什么样了?我希望你能过的开心,快乐。。谢谢你曾经爱我那么深。。我也是。。


现在我Specially like this song very much..“了解”。。。如果你们用安静的心去听,你们会明白, 为什么我会那么喜欢?Got meaning 1..

我感觉越来越sianz, 我也不知道要updated what in my entry? Next entry, maybe I will updated of my C4 family pictures.. I had took pictures with them already. But not now.. Cos I need to time to recover my moods..


为什么我会写这个topics? 因为我心里有很多不开心。。 可是,放心, 我不会Emo 也不会不开心。。只是,我读了很多人的blog, 让我想到一些心里的话,想说。。

[1] Jessilyn's blog - "Finally, I received a reply from u. B4 that, I was thinking for quite sometimes. Will u even return a reply after so long? I tot that it was quite stupid of me to even do that. But since everything is over. I guess we shall not let history repeats itself. I know that u r living in our own world now. But still take care of urself. Maybe wat I'm saying now doesn't really make sense. But still, health is much more impt. And I'm glad that I've found out the truth. But still I would like to say this to u. Take care my fren. Wat happen has happen. It will always be past tense. But now, treasure wat u have ya. I'm glad to see tat u r happy now & also glad to have u back. a million thanks..

MY Answer for Jessilyn, I know this entry u write to me.. When u found out the truth is too late already. Cos the bad impress I had at there, is I will never forget.. Cos I so devoted in my job & always keep updated promo to my regular customers. When I had left, customers still called me, want to buy package for me. I told them, I had left already.. Sorry, I really can't help u anymore. And I also choice DUN GO INTERVIEW TRAVEL AGENT AGAIN.. Cos bad image for me..
I always treasure friends who is GOOD TO ME. FRIENDS ALWAYS KEEP COMING TO MY LIFE, LOSE 1 OR 2, I dun mind.. Cos one day, they will 后悔, for don't treasure me as their friends.. I always try my best to be good to all my friends & loyal to them..So, now I know how to moderator my life in friendship.. Maybe some peoples dun apprecaite of me. But I don't care. Cos I know that I HAD NEVER LET THEM DOWN B4.. So, I still a strong gal, after so many things happened on me the past 2 mths.. Thanks for those friends who always comfort me the past 2 mths.. Really appreciate..

[2]Jimmy - I know now u will had less than meet me & join us for fun.. Cos u had find a job lah.. But I just want to tell u, I STILL HOPE U CAN SPARE SOMETIMES TO CATCH US FOR FUN.. Miss those days, we chat & share alot...And know where is my favourite place & help me alot the past 2 mths.. I won't forget.. All keep inside my HEART 4ever.. Dun forget to what u had promise me b4? U said will buy smt for me....Haha.. I still remember...

**最后的感想:过去的2天,我在开工前,没有买can coffee.. Cos I listen to someone advise.. And I also buy sweets.. Now, I dun feel tired & sleepy. I willl keep it up in future.. Thanks, pal..Miss u & hope can heard from u.. Migraine also dun have.. But I thursday maybe go & see doctor, take Migraine Medicine. Cos I left 3 pcs only.. Scare wait come again..

Me was abit unhappy, just leave me alone.. I dun know why I keep losing temper at work? Maybe cos of 1 thing, related of work...Thanks Superior Joey for know & understand me so well. Know that I was excellent ppl & hardworking staff.. Yap, I had won best cashier in 3 yrs ago when I was in KBox.. U & I won't forget..I will proof to everyone that, within 1 yrs, I will promo to Cashier 3.. I WILL & DO IT MEH..AND GET THE AWARD AGAIN..JUST WAIT & SEE MEH..

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Press Conference for the lanuch of Love Infinity CD held @ Vivocity Central Court on 07/07/2008

~Hazel & Elson~

Yesterday, before I start work @ Kbox 7pm, I go down Vivocity to give Hazel support. Cos I recieved her sms on 05/07/2008. In her sms " I'll be having a charity cd launch on 07/07/2008 @ Vivocity Central Satge @ 5pm.. my song "Dong Le" will alaso be in this cd. Do come down support me if u r free:).. When saw this sms, I told myself, no matter, how tired or sick, I still will make an effort to go down.. Maybe cos I always know that NOW MY TIME IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM NORMAL PEOPLES. So, I said before I will try to make an effort to catch up with everyone, if I can make it. So, I will.. No matter how?

I reached Vivocity 5pm, when I passed by Empire Candy shop, I actually plan to buy some sweets & chocolates but I gave up on buying.. I also don't why? Myself also don't know the answer... So, I ahead to the Central Stage, find them.. When I reached there, I straight go back stage find them, cos the back stage no cover.. So, I had a short chat with Hazel & Elson.. Elson very funny, asked where I had been? Why long time no see u? Never come find us? I said Sorry, cos I now working Kbox nite shift. Then, he asked me, then I go Kbox got discount? Omg.. I dun know how to reply him when he suddenly asked me.. Haha.. Hazel hurt her leg, when she go up stage need some one hold her.. Abt 5.30pm, Hazel started singing "Dong Le" , follow by Elson singing "了解".. I specially like Elson singing "Le Jie", maybe cos it is a song of LOVE & how much 你了解身边的人?Every nite, when I waiting for the transport, I will listen to this song. Maybe cos of Lonely nite when no one around me..

Around 6pm, I left Vivocity, rush to work. After buy the CD $15... Taking MRT.. While Hazel & Elson still on stage.. I gave them a sign. said I left 1st.. They said bye bye to me..
When I reached Kbox, taking lift to C8, saw the recpt.. OMG. She said me, now my post is "training cashier" or what? I said my post is "Cashier 1". She said "wow, so good, straigt come in Cashier 1" post.. Inside my heart, thinking, PLEASE loh, when I come work, you was not here yet..And PLASE STOP asking me Questions.. I REALLY DUN LIKE TO TALK WITH U.. Then, when at meeting, she keep sitting beside me, I keep sitting other side. Cos I dun want to sit with u.. Can't u see it meh? OMG.. I saw Louis "U R the One" outside C4 Kbox, before I start work. Had a short chat with him.. Haha..So happy can see those ppl I know at Cine.
**最后的感想:Very happy to see Hazel & Elson Ytd again.. I hope can see all my friends one day @ Kbox.. No matter is Kbox or meet up 1 day.. Meet the fun & gathering in the past...Friends, where are u all? Can u heard & feel it?

My days @ Kbox on 03/07 - 06/07

~Me take picture with GREAT Handsome guy @ 3am sunday~

~ C4 Server Wang Yi & Yan Hua~

Yoz my friends, I back for updated my entry & share with you all the past few days how is my work @ Kbox.. Haha...Let start my story loh;
[1] Thursday 03/07/2008 - It is the super busy nite for me & everyone...Cos we work nite shift staffs, just step in work, outside the Q of crowd is so many..OMG. I haven't start count my cash flow & check stocks.. Me had to help the 2 servers serve customers lah... From 7pm - 9pm, I was busy serve customers & take order from them.. Around 9pm then I can go in cashier room, do my stuffs.. Cos I need to bill all the K Happy.. Never thought Ladies so many lady come.. Haha..Our supper is 皮蛋粥。。
[2] Friday 04/07/2008 - I start work at 8pm - 4am. Starting when we start working, we will so free & chit chat.. Until around 9plus then the crowd come lah.. I feel abit uneasy, cos I had been long time never had WEEKEND WAR @ KBOX lah. And alot of stress.But i think the follow week, i will get used.. Our supper is 炒果条。。
[3] Sat 05/07/2008 - I start work at 8pm -4am . It is the nite I was so "pek chey", I believe that you all know that I had post my entry say abt the bar & I had a damn pain Migraine, the past 2 days.. When I was working, I was already very control of my temper.. Cos I always think we all C4 is a small family, alot of things we can settle ourselves between us, don't feedback to manager & management.. Cos we dun want make things big & give manager headache.. Cos they will think that why a small outlet can't co-operation? So, it is what I told server, recept & bar..
No matter, how we aruge when at work? But after work, we can still friend, play & jokes.. They understand & know me well & better.. I was glad that now our working team is much more better.
Our supper is Laksa..OMG..I dun eat hot foods, so no choice, I dun put the soup things...
[6] Sun 06/07/2008 - It is a day I was very angry with 1 recept.. Her name is xxxxx.. She is a VERY KPO gal.. Why I will angry of her, cos she do smt is not link to operation thing & go tell my superior.. OMG.. I put Q photos @ cashier, and she asked me who is she? When I was serving a customer who make payment at cashier.. I don't want to answer her.. Cos I want to serve this customer 1st..Then ,she keep asking me..Then, I told her, She is "U R The One". Then, she said who? Then, I said u got watch TV? She said don't have. Then, I said, don't have, how to I tell u, who is she? Then, she go & tell superior abt the photo. Then, my superior come & ask me..Say very funny & 奇怪。。Why I put Q picture there? I said she is my gd frez & we work nite shift already have less time to spend with our own friends.. So, it is the only way, that make me know that I was not drift apart.. Even Yan Hua, Wang Yi & C4 recept Celine, also think she so KPO loh.. Not link to Operation things, why go & tell superior? Yan Hua keep asked me dun angry.. I told her, she is recept, me is cashier.. Dun over step in my cashier business.. Cos I never step in her recept business.. Hope she can understand.. I just hope SHE NOW STAY FAR FAR FROM ME. COS I DUN FEEL LIKE TALKING WITH YOU WHEN WORKING.. Our Supper is Fried Rice, Chicken Wings (my favourire) & Nuggets..
** 最后的感想:Over all still happy working at Kbox, I won't cos 1 ppl, spoil my moods at work.. Just want her stay away from me.. Cos I keep on staying away from her.. I really dun want to talk with her. I always asked her Yan Hua passed msg to her.. Cos she always like to act cute.. Make me see until very sianz..

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sentosa Summer Festa on 05/07/2008

~Guess who hand is it? IS RINA~ Haha..

~Joanne & Vivo (Rina's dog)~

Sat (05/07/2008), I meet Delphine 1.50pm @ Jurong MRT , that day was big raining. Then, meet Teddi & her bro @ Harbourfront. Then, meet Vincent @ interchange to Sentosa..
Vincent was late again. He everytimes meet us will late 1.. He really like a gal, only girl will late loh.. Haha.. After his reached, we took the shettle bus to Sentosa lah...
When we reached Palawan Beach for Joanne & Felicia event, wow.. so alot peoples there.. I saw Minghui, Kenneth, JS, Kailin, Kaileng, Xueting, Chanrtice,Sean Kok & the person I dun like most (Pamela).. It was an open event.. Me, Delphine, Vincent, Rina, Teddi & her bro stand back satge, cos we waiting for Joanne come at 3.30pm.. Then abt 4pm, Felicia come.. Joanne was so funny, she sitting inside, carry the big umbrella , she told us she scared for tanned & was very hot.. OMG. When the event half way, it's raining.. Me, Rina & Teddi stand at backsatge, cos we waiting for Joanne come out & left. The 3 of us share 1 umbrella, that umbrella is mine.. My back body is all wet.. Haha.. But never mind.. It's ok.. I let my friend dun wet themselves..
Around 5pm, Joanne left Sentosa.. Me & Rina left 1st.. Cos I asked her can "lobang" me to MRT? She said ok. Then, Rina last mins decide want to go RG.So, I quickly sms Joanne, told her wait for us.. Cos she told us she rushing but still can spare abit time for us.. I feel appreciate.. When we reached RG, I sms Joanne.. Told her we reached lah, she can come out.. After awhile, she come out.. Then, we had alot chat & take pictures.. Then, abt 5mins later, saw Felicia's come out.. Alot her fans go & find her.. I dun want to go over. Cos I dun like so many peoples surround her & like no chance to talk.. So, I decide to stand with Joanne & chat & fun with her.. Then, I called Delphine, asked her want to talk with Joanne? So, I passed the phone to Joanne..When Joanne talking with Delphine, her action is so funny.. Haha.. Joanne stay around 15mins - 20mins.. Then go off.. Then, Rina "lobang" me to Toa Payoh 6pms i got to go for work at 8pm..

**最后的感想:Joanne, thanks for giving me so much fun @ RG.. And remember that we will not be drift apart even in future, u no more artiste.. Our friendship will last 4ever.. Cos sms & call can KEEP FRIENDSHIP LAST.. Now, u will start busy fliming 《小娘惹》, u must take gd care of ur health.. OK?