你要知道,假若她不喜欢你,你根本就没有本事让她哭泣,让她即使生气也不会超过2天。 而这一切都只是因为她喜欢你,而这一切都因为你还不够在意她不够懂她。 于是,你们时常争吵,你认为她脾气不好,她认为你不够迁就她。于是,你们总是冷战,你以为她不喜欢你,她以为你不在乎她。 于是,你们总是莫名其妙的彼此错过,也许擦身而过,本身就是一种悲伤着的无奈与幸福。 要知道,凄美依然是美的一种,并且美的绚丽悲凉而沧桑,那是更加的美 因为她喜欢你,所以她偶尔冲你发火,时常对你撒娇。 因为她喜欢你,所以她才会生你的气;而又因为喜欢你,她才不会去生气很久。
你可知道,每个女孩子的心都是水晶做的,晶莹剔透,但是很容易就碰伤摔碎。 你可知道,每个女孩子都是不设防的,你那么轻易就闯进她的心,走的时候却只留下伤害。 她从来都不知道,这个世界上根本没有可以让她哭的人,因为真正值得她哭的那个根本舍不得让她哭。 她会很矜持,她会很骄傲,她会很冷淡,她总是嘴里说着你走开,心里却一直叫你留下。 请你张开你的耳朵,也请你打开你的心,去听她心里真正的呼唤,而不是她嘴里的口是心非。 她会看着你转身,然后她跟着你转身,当侧身而过的时候,你看不见她的泪,滂沱在脸上心里。 如果你喜欢她,请你多陪她;如果你喜欢她,请你多宠她;如果你喜欢她,请你多让她。
如果你喜欢她,请你去听听她内心的声音,那是呐喊——请拥抱她。 在爱情里,总是彼此伤害,彷佛这样才能证明自己爱得激烈爱到轰轰烈烈。 可是,爱情里没有孰对孰错;爱情里更加没有你比我多我比你少。 你爱她,她爱你,如此就已经足够。不要试图让彼此的伤害,让彼此更加脆弱悲伤。 你们彼此相爱,你们需要的是温暖是幸福是甜蜜是快乐,不是伤害。 不要用沉默宣战,不要互不相让,更不要什么话都不讲就冷漠离去。
要知道,你离去的时候,你的眼睛起了雾,她的眼角泛着泪光。 越是安静战火就越传,这是冷战也是彼此的伤害——无论是怎么的复合,那些伤口曾经存在,抹不去。 请跟她一个拥抱,用你的拥抱去化解她心里的悲伤与眼角的泪水。
她喜欢你,她绝对不会拒绝你的拥抱,她只会害怕你的冷漠转身无声安静。 请记住,相爱的人不要轻易宣战,因为冷战带来的伤害,超出你的预计。 也请记住,只要你喜欢她,没有什么是你接受不了的,只要你喜欢她,就喜欢她的一切一切。 那么她所有的小性子所有的坏脾气所有的臭毛病,在你眼里都是撒娇。 也请记住,她喜欢你,她需要的不是你真的转身,她嘴里说着的也不是她的真心话。 她只是想你宠她,想你抱她,哪怕,没有道歉
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
~Indonesia Trip Part 9 @ Sari Ater Hot Spring 21/06/2007 ~
Now, we at Sari Ater Hot Spring where is it @ Bandung . Haha.. I like the Hot Spring very much, cos it is an open place.. See, I also Hot Spring wif my legs, not body. Cos I can't make my shirt wet. Didn't bring extra shirt.. Then, we walk down half way, the rain start to rainning. Wow, the rain so big, that we didn't bring umbrella. But there can rent Umbrella. When raining, the kids will quickly went to us, ask do we need umbrella rent? So, we rent 4 umbrella to the main entrance. Then, my 4th uncle pay the kids the $.
After the Hot Spring, we go back the hotel bath, then went out for dinner. After dinner, we go back sleep. Cos 22/6 morning, we got to take van back to Semarang, the jounrey will be 11hrs.. Haiz.. me going to suffer again... backside going to pain... Around 10pm (indonesia time), I went to sleep lah..
Will updated my blog soon...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
~Indonesia Trip Part 8 @ Bandung West Java 21/06/2007~
Today (21/06/2007), we wake up early fo Breakfast. But the hotel we stay @ Bandung, the breakfast only little bit. Don't have fry eggs & Sauage. Which Normally hotel will have. But this hotel don't have. So, we eat only abit. After eating, we start our journey to Bandung West Java. Which you all can see the above picture. This is a place that very cold. That why, we all buy the "Wei Jing" there. It was very nice the colour. I like the picture which got the smoke come out from behind, very nice. There got some shop which got sell the things of the place. But we all never buy. We all buy alot strawberry, cos the kids like to eat & also Fried Tahu, very nice when it is still hot.
After the Bandung Java, we go for lunch then go for Hot Spring..
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
~Indonesia Trip Part 7 @ Taman Safari Indonesia 20/6/2007~
Today we wake up @ 7am (Indonesia Time) then go for breakfast. Around 9am, we left our Grand Tropic Suites Hotel of Jakarta to our next trip which is Bandung. From Jakarta to there, the journey is 2hrs. Around 12.00pm, we reached Bandung. We go to the 1st place where we called Singaore Zoo but Indonesia called Taman Safari Indonesia. This is a place where the animal stay. They never lock in cage. The animals was so "freedom" can go there & go here.. (which you all can see the picture). While we want to take their pictures, we got too see the animals is very far from our van. Cos if not, they attack us, how? Heehee.. so scary.
At there, can see elephants, crocodiles, lions, tigers, hippo, zebra,orangutan, camels & so on..
Before we left the Zoo, we go to see Elephants show.. Wow, when they see peoples want to give them foods, their long nose will take the foods from them.. We all stay very far from them. Cos we scare wait the elephant suddenely crazy, knock us how? Heehee..
Around 5.00pm, we left the Zoo & going for the dinner. After Dinner, we went to our hotel. Our hotel name is Hotel Nalendra, this hotel is very small, 2 single beds. Like our Singapore hotel, which we call Hotel 81, 3 Stars. I don't like this hotel. Cos only 1 plug to charge hp. No flask to boil hot water. I told myself, I will never come this hotel again. I also won't indrouce friends to stay here.
Tml, we will go for Hot Spring & Java.. Will update soon..
Sunday, June 24, 2007
~Indonesia Trip Part 6 @ Jakarta 19/6~
Today, we wake up 7.00am cos we going for buffect breakfast & start for our 'Happy Day". After our breakfast, around 9am, we start our 1st journey to Seaworld Indonesia. It is somethings like our Singapore "Underwater" but there is abit different that, there can see alot small crocodile. After see the Seaworld, we go to our 2nd Journey, which is my 4th uncle said like Disneyland. But to me, I feel like more Theme Park, cos alot things to play.
We reached "Kawasan Indonesia Tornado", there was so many peoples. I play alot games, which you can see from the pictures above.. heehee.. The most I like is "Merry-go- Around", cos it is the 1 which we young, we all like to ride. When I ride it, I feel so happy, cos I had find back my childhood. I ride 2 times which my 4 little nephew & niece. I think when you all see, you will also like it.. After ride all the "happening games", we take a boat to see all the "dolls" which got alot country. I find that they make the dolls so nice & cute. (which the above picture). After see the dolls, we go Mcdonald eat our lunch. Wow, there ws so many peoples, that we can't get seats straight away, we got to wait sometimes for seats. Around 20mins, we get seats, we separte into 2 parts seats. Then, me & my 2 sisters go & order all our foods. While I eating my nuggets, I saw a small kitten, come to my chair below.. I find it's so cute. I take picture wif it.
After taking our lunch, we con't our part 2 games. We play until 6pm then left the "Kawasan Indonesia Tornado". After that, we go back our Hotel bath. On the wway home, the traffic is super super Jam, around 8.30pm then reached Hotel. Then, we quickly bath then go for Dinner. After Dinner, go back Hotel, have an early rest, after long day "Happy Hours". Next day morning, got to go Bandung..
~Indonesia Trip Part 5 @ Jakarta 18/6/2007 ~
After taking overnite van from Semarang 17/6 to 18/6 morning. Around 9.00am (Indonesia Time), we reached Jakarta, which is the central of Indonesia. Actually shall be 6am reach, but Jakarta the traffic is so heavy, that why we reached there late. (which u can see the pic above, I take from my hotel room). Everday Traffic Jam, I hate the jam.
We stay @ Grand Tropic Suites Hotel, there is 3 room & 1 big living room, inside 1 unit, which divide into 3 family. 1 room is me, my mum, my 2nd sis & her daughter & my mum eldest sister. 2nd room is my 4th uncle & his family. 3rd room is my eldest sis & her family. The driver sleep @ living room. After we had check in, we quickly bath & start our shopping, until nite.
~Indonesia Trip Part 4 @ Semarang Indah Kampong 17/6~
After pray my grandparent, on the way to Kampong, halfway we take a break for lunch. When I @ Indonesia, I like to order "Teh Manis", this drink the taste is like green tea favour. Then, if got "Opor Ayam", I will also will order. Cos this 2 items is my favourite.. Heehee... After having our lunch, we start our journey to my favourite "Kampong".
When we reached Kampong, I started to take out my camera to take picture of Kampong. How the place like? And how the life they live is? Here, is the above picture, which you all can see.. When we @ Kampong, we said "hi" to the neighbourhood. I found that alot of them had looks old & some had died, when I young, I like to go 1 neighbour house to eat her sweets, which she make by herself very nice & everytimes when she saw me come will gave me free sweets, but she had died. Too bad I can't eat her sweets which make by herself anymore lah.
I like the life of Kampong cos there is no pressure & worry this, worry that. I know that the Indonesia people life is poor but I can see they happy. That what I looking of. No pressure, no backstab. I remember when I young, I go back Indonesia, I everytimes ask my 1st uncle ride me go out by taking his motor. (Which you all can see the picture, my nephew sit on the motor.)
Indonesia people don't have washing machine, they use hands washing by washing box to wash the clothes, (which you all can see the above picture by neighbour)
After visit the Kampong trip, we all home. The time is already 6.30.pm (Indonesia Time). Then, we quickly go for Dinner, cos we will start for our journey 9.00pm overnite @ Van to Jakarta, it's take 9hrs to Jakarta. Wow.. on the van, I can sleep well.. Cos can't move body too much & backside pain...
Will update the Jakarta Trip soon....
~Indonesia Trip Part 3 @ my grandparent temple 17/6~
Today early the morning 7.00am (Indonesia Time), I wake up. Cos we got to go the mountain to pray my grandparent & then go to my mum's Kampong, when she was young where she stayed.
Around 8.30am (Indonesia Time), we left my 4th uncle house, then my 4th uncle drive the van. They are around 14 peoples going, my side got 9 peoples already, plus my 4th unlce & his wife, my 1st aunty, my 2nd unlce & 3rd uncle. From my unlce house to my grandparent temple, the journey was abt 2hrs. When we reached my grandparent temple, we go & pray them. After pary them, we go & pray my 1st uncle who died from sickness. After pray the 3 of them, we start to use coin to ask my grandparent permission that whether we can leave the temple. The 1st person throw the coins is my 4th uncle, the coin appear 2 head, they said that if appear 2 head mean we can't leave. Then, follow by my 3rd uncle, he throw also the same. Then awhile, my 4th uncle asked my mum try throw, my mum also same. They said that we have been so long never come Indonesia, around 14 yrs, so fast want to go, my grandparent don't allow us to leave. After 10mins, my 2nd uncle, try to throw the coins, it's appear the same 2 head. He don't believe, he throw again, still the same. Then, after 10mins, my mum asked me to try throw the coins. Before I throw, i told my grandparent: "I know that you all don't bear us to leave so fast & early but we really don't have much time, we got to go alot of place later & tonite got to take van to Jakarta, the journey is 9hrs.After pray you all, we got to go Kampong, invite the Kampong peoples, hope you can understand." Then, when I throw the coins, it's appear 1 head & 1 tail.. Haha.. we was so happy. Then, we all stand up & pray & thanks my grandparents, then said bye bye to them & 1st uncle. Then, we start to moved to our next journey "Kampong".
Around 8.30am (Indonesia Time), we left my 4th uncle house, then my 4th uncle drive the van. They are around 14 peoples going, my side got 9 peoples already, plus my 4th unlce & his wife, my 1st aunty, my 2nd unlce & 3rd uncle. From my unlce house to my grandparent temple, the journey was abt 2hrs. When we reached my grandparent temple, we go & pray them. After pary them, we go & pray my 1st uncle who died from sickness. After pray the 3 of them, we start to use coin to ask my grandparent permission that whether we can leave the temple. The 1st person throw the coins is my 4th uncle, the coin appear 2 head, they said that if appear 2 head mean we can't leave. Then, follow by my 3rd uncle, he throw also the same. Then awhile, my 4th uncle asked my mum try throw, my mum also same. They said that we have been so long never come Indonesia, around 14 yrs, so fast want to go, my grandparent don't allow us to leave. After 10mins, my 2nd uncle, try to throw the coins, it's appear the same 2 head. He don't believe, he throw again, still the same. Then, after 10mins, my mum asked me to try throw the coins. Before I throw, i told my grandparent: "I know that you all don't bear us to leave so fast & early but we really don't have much time, we got to go alot of place later & tonite got to take van to Jakarta, the journey is 9hrs.After pray you all, we got to go Kampong, invite the Kampong peoples, hope you can understand." Then, when I throw the coins, it's appear 1 head & 1 tail.. Haha.. we was so happy. Then, we all stand up & pray & thanks my grandparents, then said bye bye to them & 1st uncle. Then, we start to moved to our next journey "Kampong".
~Indonesia Trip Part 2, on the way to Semarang 16/6/2007~

Around 4.15pm (Singapore Time), Indonesia Time is 1 hrs late (3.15pm), (So the following days & parts, I will use Indonesia time to updated). We reached Solo City Airport. After we had chop our passport, we take our luggage. After we had knowledge our total 6 luggage, we come out from the gate. Once we come out, we saw our 3rd uncle & my mum eldest sister & the driver waiting for us. The driver & 3rd uncle help us take carry our luggage to the van.
Then, we quickly board the van, on the way to my mum hometown Semarang. From Solo Airport to Semarang, the jounery is around 2 ~ 3hrs. So, when on the van, I look @ the roadside, while looking, my eyes cannot "Tahan", want to sleep lah. Maybe too tired.. So, sleep on the way until reached Semarang..
Around 7pm (indonesia time), we reached Semarang, my 4th uncle hse, where we will stay @ his hse for 2 days..His hse is so big, he is a businessman, got 3 maids & 20 workers work for him @ his factory. Then, his maids help us carry our luggage to 2nd floor. We all 5A4C share 1 big room. Then, we quickly bath & go out for dinner..
The follwing day is my super tired day..will updated soon...
~Indonesia Trip Part 1 @ Changi Airport 16/6/2007~
Today (16/06/2007), is the day for me to enjoy my 7D6N holiday to Indonesia. My flight is 2.15pm taking Silk Air. Around 11.30am, the maxi cab had come & fetch us from my house, which I had called & book the Maxi Cab. Around 12pm, my family & me had reached Changi Ariport T2. Then, we drop down the cab, quickly go to Row 11 for check-in. Haha.. the time is still early, so not alot peoples check-in.
After Check-in, we all go for lunch @ Mcdonald. Around 1.22pm, I received a call which appear priavte, so I quickly answer the call. While I answer the call, one of my hand is holding nugget, one hand holding my hp. When I answer the call, I said; "Hello". The other line is a gal voice, she said; "Hello, may I speak to Joey Mummy? Then, she start to laugh". Then, I can recognize that the voice is my Bao Bei Felicia called. Cos only 1 people will call me "Joey Mummy" & her voice is the 1 I know. Then, we had a short talk on the phone.. After I put down the phone, I feel so happy, cos Bao Bei remember wat time I fly & the date.. Heehee..
Around 1.50pm, we quickly go for our boarding check point.. Before, we boarding, the security guards scan our bag.. My mum bag got bring alot small mineral water bottles for the kids to bring. But they don't allow us to bring in, they want us bring finished, then they throw away our bottles.. Be the flight fly, I sms Bao Bei said I want to fly lah, going to off hp lah. After sms her, I off my hp. Then, the flight 2.15pm sharp fly off.
After Check-in, we all go for lunch @ Mcdonald. Around 1.22pm, I received a call which appear priavte, so I quickly answer the call. While I answer the call, one of my hand is holding nugget, one hand holding my hp. When I answer the call, I said; "Hello". The other line is a gal voice, she said; "Hello, may I speak to Joey Mummy? Then, she start to laugh". Then, I can recognize that the voice is my Bao Bei Felicia called. Cos only 1 people will call me "Joey Mummy" & her voice is the 1 I know. Then, we had a short talk on the phone.. After I put down the phone, I feel so happy, cos Bao Bei remember wat time I fly & the date.. Heehee..
Around 1.50pm, we quickly go for our boarding check point.. Before, we boarding, the security guards scan our bag.. My mum bag got bring alot small mineral water bottles for the kids to bring. But they don't allow us to bring in, they want us bring finished, then they throw away our bottles.. Be the flight fly, I sms Bao Bei said I want to fly lah, going to off hp lah. After sms her, I off my hp. Then, the flight 2.15pm sharp fly off.
I'm back from my trip
Hello everyone,
I back from my trip.. Heehee.. I had just read alot of peoples who have tag my blog. thx everyone..I just unpack my luggage..Wow.. abt my Indonesia trip, I don't know how to post @ my blog? Cos my trip most of the time is spend on the road..So, I will break into alot of parts, so that easy for me to updated my blog & picture..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Out of Town 16/06/2007 - 23/06/2007
Hi, my all friends.... I like to informed you all that, I will be out of town 16/06/2007 - 23/06/2007. So, I won't on my hp, when I oversea.. But you all can still sms me or tag my blog. When I come back on 23/6, 24/6 I off, I will check all the sms & tag board, you all had send me. You all will ask me where I go? HK, Taiwan or Bangkok? All is wrong.. I going Indonesia there to see Disneyland. I will updated the pic, when I come back..
So, guys, I will miss U all.. Specially my Bao Bei Felicia Chin.. haha.. now, it's time u going to miss me..I think ur ear will be veri "PEACE", cos no 1 "neh" @ ur ears.. Heehe... Just kidding..
Miss U lot, Felicia. when i @ Indonesia...
Take Care Felicia, Delphine, Teddi, Iceberg & so on...
Monday, June 11, 2007
Joanne with Jollity Fan Club gathering 10/6/2007
Today is the day that we having fans club gathering with Joanne. When I met Rina @ Parkway, I discover that, they are some of them is not Joanne fans, is some one friends..I feel that it's shall not call "Jollity Fans Club Gathering", shall call "Non-member fans club gathering". We reach Rina's house about 6.30pm, then they all start to BBQ, while I, Delphine & Teddi inside sitting, cos we dun know those group of them..
Joanne reached Rina's hse 8pm, cos she called up when 7.30pm, told us she will be there abt 8.00pm.. So, we all start gathering outside of Rina's hse BBQ, while waiting for Joanne came.
8.05pm Joanne arrived. When Joanne enter Rina's hse, she start say "hi" to all of us.. When I see her, i dun know why I not like normally when I saw her.. Slowly, I start to know the answer inside of my heart already.. Then, Joanne start to eat BBQ, while she eating, Delphine, Teddi & me, start to take her pic, with all funny pic when she sitting eating foods.. When Delphine & Teddi took Joanne pic, I can see some1 face like not happy that we disturb her & taking her pic..
Then, when I help Joanne take drink from dustin bin, she open the cover want to cover my head.. When I take out the drink, she act blur.. She think I dun know.. :xDelphine & Teddi got asked me, want to take pic with Joanne, I said dun want, cos I dun want wait some1 say me..Then , later Delphine & Teddi, ask me, want to serve cake to Joanne or not? I said dun want lah, wait some1 not happy, cos that person got discuss with me, when Joanne haven't come. So, I keep the promise. But they said since I get the cake for Joanne, why dun want to serve the cake? So, i decide to ask Joanne permission, cos I dun want wait she unhappy? She said "Ok". So, i quicky, go in take the cake.
Around 8.45pm, Joanne said shall we take group pic to me, then I said ok. then we start to take group pic. Here, it is.. All of us, oso got take pic with her solo.. Around 9.15pm, Joanne going off, all of them send Joanne off, while I stand @ the gate see her off, she didn't see me.. Cos I dun want stand near her, cos I know my tear want to come out.. Not cos I dun bear her leaving, is cos got some reason. Onli 2 ppl know wat is it..
Lastly, I like to say "thanks Joanne for spending the time with the gathering" , I know u are busy fliming now, but u willing to make effort to meet us. This special day, I will keep inside my heart. Cos I dun know next time, will I have the chance or not? Or will be invite for the gathering again.. Take Care, Joanne. Dun know when I can see u again?
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