Hmm.. When I post this entry.. Maybe Banana will hit me.. Haha.. But never mind lah.. Just share with everyone..
27/12, banana reached Singapore, she sms me, asked me when I was free? Starting I was told her when I not free, cos I was afternoon shift. But after 1 day think, I plan to sms Banana told her that I will meet her either sat or sun? Want to go "Guan Yin Miao" pray? Then, banana told me meet sat, cos her frez also want to go. Then, I told her, ok loh. Then, we meet sat 10am @ Bugis MRT.
This morning, I wake up 8am, go meet Banana 10am .. When I reached Bugis 10am, Banana already there lah.. Then, we moved on to "Guan Yin Miao". When we at there, Banana & her frez take the stick & pray, while I, I just use hand & heart pray, pray of "bao bei", I don't know why everytimes I pray for her, my tears will come out? After we pray, we go Parco Bugis walk walk, most of the shop have open, so we go to games shop, we see 1 couple, play catch the sweets machine for their kid.. They catch alot sweets but waste alot $$. Then, we go up & walk walk for shopping. When banana & her frez shopping, I can see that they want to buy something but when the see the price, they like don't want to buy, maybe cos expensive or want to save $. When I see this image, make me learn 1 thing, if I was like them, so gd.. Cos they know how to control their own $. Not like me, keep spending alot of $$ on "Bao Bei" & Joanne & never save $. Got how much, spend how much? Maybe I will start change 2008.
Then, around 11.45am, 3 of us plan to go for lunch, we go food junction. Banana & her frez share Korea foods & dessert. As for me, I east western food, (my favourite stall). Then, banana chat with me, how is felicia? how is me & ice?My reply for her is, Felicia is fine. As for me & ice, we never talk already. Cos he don't want talk with me, I fine. Just when saw each other, he stand left side, I stand rite side or stand far far away. Then, she show me, she bought Felicia cover page "style". I told her that 1, I had long time ago. And "nv you" also got. Then, she said, "ah.. tat mean I had never online, not update news lah".. Then, I laugh.. Then, around 12.45pm, I said "bye bye" to banana, cos got to for work 1pm..
Lastly, I like to say "thanks" banana for spend time to meet with me. Hope the 1st impressive, I gave u, no so bad.. Cos I dun wait "someone" said I "ungrateful" ppl. Those who know me well, shall know that I not that type of ppl. Banana, hope u get back ur own town, will be fine.. Take Care, my frez. Sori, can't send u off . Cos I working..
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Silver Ang gathering @ The Ark 23/12/2007
Today 23/12/07, is the day that make me feel sad & miserable. Why I said that so? Will tell u all later. Like talk abt how where I going today? Early the morning, I went to Corner Stone Church @ Katong, meet Lina go for Service. She come late, so the service start lah, I go in 1st. During the service, the pastor talk abt "Service peoples". When I heard it, I know what Pastor going to share with us. Then, after the service, I sms Lina Ng, asked her where is she? She said she @ downstair, then we sit on the car, cos she rushing to Parkway buy some stuffs for Christmas celebration with her family. So, I company her awhile. After she finsihed her shopping, the 2 of us say "bye bye", then I make a move to The Central @ Clarke Quey.
When I reached The Central, the time is still early for me for The Ark event @ 7pm. So, I plan to go shopping @ there. Around 3plus, Silver manager sms me, told me Silver still feel depressed, want me to make her happy. In my 1st minds, "Oh.. my God? How shall I make her happy?" If those who had read newspaper, shall know that Silver bf had broke off with her, cos he know another gal. I know this news is Silver mnager told me to buy the newspaper. When I read this news, I was so angry & worry abt Silver, cos I know Silver charcter , she is a "soft-hearted ppl" like Felicia Chin. So, I make a trip to City Hall, buy sunflower for her & a card. Why I choice Sunflower? Cos I want Silver like this sunflower so shine. After get my stuffs, I go to The Central of coffee club have a coffee. While I was sitting alone face the window, I order a chocolate, the favour got alcholic.. I don't like it, cos too strong, so I only eat half of the cake. Cos I scare eat finshed, wait my faint. While looking @ the view outside & listen to my I-pod, my minds thinking alot of things. Thinking of Silver, Felicia Chin, Joanne Peh & 1 artise.
Around 5.30pm, I walk to The Ark (Safra Town Club), when I reached there, I saw Silver manger @ entrance, he told me, Silver on the way. He told me alot abt Silver things. Then, the 2 of us called Silver, cos we scared she won't come or meet accident. She never answer her hp. After awhile, her car come. We saw her, we so surprise. Why I said that? Cos so her hair so mess & never make up, wear sunglass. When talk to her, no reply.. Then, I bring her to the rest room, she take a rest & after awhile she make up.. When I see her tie her hair, I can see that she had no mood to tie her hair, cos she tie very long time, never get it done. Me, her manager & M5 artiste all try to make her happy, say alot of jokes.. Starting she no laugh, slowly she laugh. Then, I & her manager set a heart.
When the gathering start, her manager was the host & asked her abt her relationship things, I can see that her face is getting down.. Her manger asked her, "Heard newspaer said that her bf & her broke her & newspaper said she cut herself, it is true?" She said; " She received alot ppl sms her, send regard of her, she want to say "thank u" all of u for the concern. And abt her hand, is not she cut herself, is she move something, hurt her hand". Abt awhile, she started to cried. All of us, can see that she love her bf very much & she can't accept that her bf choice another gal & broke with her. Starting me & her manager don't support her to fall in love, cos Silver is a soft-hearted person, will easy get hurt & cheap. But since she like him so much, we send regards to her.
When come to her singing, she sing her new album song half way, she start to cry, cos this song is specially write by her manager. Her manager write for Silver & her bf, abt their relationship, when they together last time. But now, when she sing & think of the past, her tears come out, can't con't to sing. No choice got to stop for 15mins. After 15mins, she ok, we invite her to stage & sing again. This time, she sing finished. And I go to stage gave her the sunflower. She so surprise & look @ me & smile. Then, I go down stage. Her manager @ the stage, "sabo me" told everyone that, I go Suntec & the sunflower how much I bought? And i was so worry of Silver, just want to make her happy, I go & get the flower for her. I look @ her manager. Silver looked & me, I can see that she feel touched for what I had done. To me, I always don't asked for artiste any rewards or credit, cos I just want them to live Happy & safe. And rewards & credit is GOD gave me 1, not artiste.
Lastly, Silver i want to tell you 1 thing, no matter how is ur feeling now? I want to tell u that, I want u to live HAPPY. Cos the path u want to go on, is very long. Don't cos this stupid guy & make urself unhappy & miserable. Is it worth? Do he know what u had done for him? Do he know u cried. Just want to tell u that no matter, I will always be there for u & care of u.
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Today, I went to City Harvest @ Expo, cos of Christmas Service. I go alone. Today, the service is GREAT & Good.. Cos 2day the topics is talk abt PEACE. When I heard this words, I was thinking that, is it GOD know that I will be coming? And it is that GOD want to tell me something? I believe it is.. Cos HE know that how was my life is the past 1mth.. After see the drama of they performed & heard Pastor Kong speak. I agreed what he had said..
He said; "Why in this world, there are selfish & jealous of peoples?" Cos they don't have the PEACE OF MINDS, short of love, don't know what is PEACE & LOVE? Yap, i also think that, cos I had see alot of selfish & jealous peoples & fans around of me. At here, I like to say "Thanks, GOD" for giving me this GREAT words today.
Lastly, hope those peoples who still don't know what is call PEACE, maybe this few days until 25/12, can go City Harvest & heard the words & get the feel of Christmas.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Star Award with Felicia @ RG 16/12/2007
Today is the day that give alot of memories, got joys, happy, sad, disappointed & thought. Why I had those feeling? Let start the page of my story;
[1] "JOYS" - 16/12/2007 is the day of Star Award event that those artiste got their award for those hard work for the past 1 yrs. Of course, I will never failed to attend this event to give my full support of Felicia, Joanne & 1 artiste. When I know that I got this ticket from some one, I was so happy for 2 days. Cos I can see Felicia & Joanne @ TV theatre. Actually when I had got the tickets, I got told Felicia & Joanne that if I don't have the Star Awards tickets from ur fans club never mind. I will wait for u all @ RG. When they heard it abit sad but they understand, cos they know that no matter where they are? My support will always be there. It is a promise I had make for them.
[2] "HAPPY" - When I @ TV theatre, I was sitting upstair which Joanne & Felicia know where is "my old place", every yrs I will sitting. But I never told where I was be sitting, cos I want to see whether they remember still where "old place" ? But I had a feeling they will know. So, whenever the host annouce the "TOP 10" actress got get in Top 18, 16 , 14 & 12, my heart & worry was never failed. I keep holding 2 hand together, pray to GOD, "Oh, pls my Jesus, pls let Felicia & Joanne get in "Top 10". Lucky, they get in the Top 12. Then, when come to "The Best Actress", the host want to announce, I keep shout for Joanne name, hope she can heard & my whistle for her. But at the end, she never got in. Let Yvonne Lim won. I cried. Then, around 9.30pm, the result for "Top 10" actress & actor out. When they announce the gal surname start with "Chen", I know who is it? I shouted "Chen Feng Ling". The answer is correct, when the called Felicia name, I scream & whistle for her. And when she speaking for "Thanks wording", I don't know why I so dare, shout for "Feng Ling". Haha.. Maybe, I was too happy & high & the tear from my eyes come out. I never watch Star Award until cried. Maybe GOD know my answer & wish for today. HE know what I will do in future. At here, I like to say "Thanks, the son of Jesus". Then, Felicia heard my voice, she turn right side & look @ me & smile @ me.
[3] "SAD" - Joanne never get in "Top 10" actress. In my heart, I keep asking myself, is it that Mediacorp peoples play cheap? Why I said that, cos I know their way of working. How can 7 princess, only 3 get in? Ou Xuan, Joanne Peh & Fiona Xie not popluar meh? It can't be? Cos they have so many advertising. Why not popluar? I don't believe it loh? I find it is unfair result. I believe other also think so. I cried for Joanne never get in "Top 10".
[4] "DISAPPOINTED" - After the celebration of Star Award, I went to RG, wait for Joanne, Felicia & 1 artiste. The artiste I waiting, had left early, the artiste told me. Joanne around 11.30pm come out from RG, before she come out, I was with Meling & Reina & chating. When we saw Joanne car, I gave Joanne a sign the park aside. Joanne do so. When she come down her car, she gave us a sweet hug. When she hug me, I feel like crying, cos the stress & promble inside my heart had been keep inside too long, when some one hug me, will gave me a kind of comfortable. Joanne, "Thanks" for the sweet heart.
[5] "THOUGHT" - I had read Felicia interview from "Style" magazine. She said ; " I learn that I have vey nice people around whom I can call my true friends. Sometimes you feel like you're alone but if you open up, you might find people who'll turn out to be your good friends."
When Felicia said those words, give me some feeling, glad that Felicia know & understand this type of words.Why I was said that? Cos let us use a PEACE MINDS & HEART to think, we as human being, why GOD send us to this world? Why GOD want us to taste the LIFE of suffer & sweet memories? Why we got to know to know this person in our life? To the person is my "GUI REN" or "TRUE FRIEND"? U & I don't know? Cos it is all need time to know the person around us. Let set e.g. Inside our heart, there are a lock, this lock maybe not easy to open for everyone. Only few of peoples have the key can open our heart. And this key, only we ourselves know. So, whenever we maybe think we are alone, but there are not? Cos there are maybe some1 who always be there for u so long, which u don't know. Until 1 day, u know that the key, u finding is just beside of u, who is always there for u, care of u, protect u & done alot things for u. U don't know. Cos "this key" never told u all the while.
Lastly, I like to be at here, sincerely said "Thank You" to Meiling, Reina & Pam for the support, comfortable for me when I feel sad, down & fall down. It was you all who help me a hand up & stand up again. I will never forget it. Maybe there are some1 who will think that I was just acting & "ungrateful" person. But pls if u don't understand me well, u have no right to judge me & said me. Cos u r not fit to say me. Cos u don't know my charcter well. (You shall know who are u? I talking of).
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Star Award with Joanne @ RG 16/12/2007
When I was @ theatre, when the host announce "The Best Actress 2007", I keep shouting for Joanne name, cos I hope she will get. But the end, she didn't won, let Yvonne Lim won. Then, when come to the "Top 10 actress" announce who is in 18, 16, 14 & 12. I keep calling Joanne name & pray for her, hope she get in. Lucky she was in. But when come to the "Top 10 Actress" result announce, I keep pray fro Joanne, hope she will get. But at the end, she never got in. I was cried & disappointed. Cos before the host annouce the "Top 10", I had a strong feeling that Joanne won't get in "Top 10". I even told Joanne that few day ago, I scare u won't get in "Top 10", I will cried. Joanne told me, "just try the best". I know what she mean already.
After the Star Award, I go RG, wait for Joanne. Around 11.30pm, she come out. She get down her car, she "thanks" us for everything & hug Meiling, Reina & me . When she give me a hug, I wanted to cry but I never. Cos I control myself. Don't let her see I feel sad & all the things that happened to me the past 1mths. Then, after that Me, Meiling, Reina & Pam chat with her & take picture with her.
Lastly, Joanne, I want to tell u that. Don't care what the newspaper & reporter said abt u. Me, Meiling & Reina will always there for u. No matter is 5yrs, 10yrs, 20yrs, 25yrs or even until we old. Our care, love & concern on u, will never change & be there for u. Joanne, I want to tell u,
U r always my best friend. Remember that. It is a promise, won't change.
Campus Yummy @ Republic Poly (11/12/2007)
Today is the day for me super tired. Cos I working 6am - 10am. After working 10am, I rush down to Republic Poly, just all cos of Felicia fliming Campus Yummy @ Republic Ploy. I meet Pamela @ loctaion. Thought she will be there 11am, but at the end she come later than me 11.40am loh. When I reached Republic Ploy, I go to canteen find her. When I reached W4 Canteen, I saw them already start fliming 1st dish. So, I sit far far from her which she can't see me. After awhile, Pam called me, asked me where am I? I told her, where am I? Then after awahile, my friend who study there, called me & asked me where am I? I told her we @ W4. At here, I like to "thanks" my friend for how to go to W4. If not u, I won't have chance see Felicia.
Around 1pm, the host & crews having lunch break, Felicia go & buy dessert eat & not sitting with crews & Desmond. So, I & Pam decide to company her walk down with her buy dessert. When she on her way to buy dessert, alot ppl asked her for taking pictures. After she bought finished her dessert, want to eat, still got peoples want to take picture with her. Felicia eyes keep looking us, like tell us, her "hot" dessert, going to become "cold" dessert.. Haha.. her face so funny.. After taking finshed, she asked her want to eat? We said never mind, we not hungry. She want to treat us dessert, but she said can't treat so much, cos she only bring $10, cos other $ in her make up bag. I said don't need lah. U like that said, like we bully u, force u want to treat us. She laugh. She said "no lah". Just want to make u all happy, cos u all see me like unhappy, inside ur heart got something. Pam & me keep quite, cos both of us really have something inside our heart, not happy with something. Then, Felicia said, "Why u all pull long face? U all see me shall happy? Why keep quite? why u all have Silent War " ah? I reply her; "Pls lah, u thought I so free, quarrel with everyone? Veri tired of quarrel loh". Then, she said "oh!".
After finished her dessert, we walk back & find the crews. On the way, got a group of Republi Ploy students asked Felicia for photo taking. Then, Felicia said "Ok, come group picture" They said "Dun want, want individually picture" Then, Felicia said, "wait the 2 gal scold me, cos they wait for me so long & want to take picture with me, u all got to treat them for drink for letting u all take picture 1st" . Then, me & Pam look @ her, give her a sign that "pls loh" we dun mind. Make us until so "Pai Seh". Then, Felicia laugh. After taking pciture with Ploy students, I scold her, "when did I said I mind of u taking picture with them?" Make us so "Pai Seh". She laugh again..
Around 2pm, we go for 2nd location of Canteen. When we reached 2nd location, I & Pam quickly want to sit near the pool side, (which u all can see the picture above). Cos we like this place that is so relax & nice view. Haha.. Then, Desmond told us, why sit so far? Come nearer to us, I said, " I don't want." Cos I like this view & I don't want let Felicia get scolded by Proudcer. While they waithing for the foods to be serve, me & Pam decide to go & buy "Bubble Tea". While we Q-up, Felicia eyes keep looking @ us. Then, I asked her want me to get a drink for u? She shake her head. Then, I saw her, still looking at the board . So, I decide to walk & asked her, want me to get something for u or not? She smile & answer, "we go & see together". She join our Q & she keep saying "Sorry" to behind people, cos she"Pai Seh" for cutting the Q. I laugh @ her. Then, she told aunty what she want, then she asked have we order? I reply her, haven't. Then she told "Aunty, their bill on me." Then, I told "Aunty, pls dun take her $" Then, Felicia told me, "Y u look down on my $ ah?" I reply, "No lah, I don't dare. Cos you told us, u only have $8 & Joey Mummy shall treat daughter treat, rite?" Then, all our drinks done, she asked "Aunty, how much?" Aunty told her haven't count, but I know that aunty also don't want Felicia treat us. Cos she know that I want to treat her, cos we keep fight to pass the $ to aunty. (haha.. felicia, u want to fight with me of paying bill, u will never win me, cos I everytimes fight for billing & win ^_6).
While they fliming, I sitting near the pool , listen to music & look @ the pool & think of many things. (I think felicia got discovered that). Around 4pm, they go for voting, Pam & me stand far far away & go to the those few shop walking & shopping. When don't have fliming Desmond & Felicia, the 2 of them go shopping. Felicia saw us @ 1 shop of outside window, also come in join us watching, wwhile Desmond standing behind holding umbrella @ point @ her head. While Felicia head up, she hit the umbrella & look behind, it's Desmond. They start to hit 1 another. Pam & I laugh @ them.. Felicia make a pity face, said I never help her.. I laugh until can't stop... Then, we go "mum mum shop", Felicia go inside the shop & get some stuffs. While she stand beside her & company her. After her shopping, she go for the voting. Around 5pm, they wrap up & go back MCS. Pam & I also go back MCS, taking cab. That time, it was a very heavy rain, which I had never face it before.
Aorund 6pm, Felicia come out from RG, she stop the car & say "bye bye" to us. Me & Pam, also say "bye bye" to her, cos we understand that, we can't asked her to come down & chat with us long, cos heavy rain. I make fun of her, told her that "chi chi de deng" & "Zai Yu Zhong, I waiting for u, which I never done that before to u". She smile, cos she know tat I really never done all this things for her b4. But it worth it. Cos at least she know & remember it what I had done for her before.
Lastly, Felicia "thanks" for the "happy times" u had gave me @ Republic Ploy & RG. I won't forget. I will keep inside my heart as a memories.
Finally, to those who Felicia fans, like Jerena, u asked me, why I go for Felicia Loctaion? I want to let u all know 1 things, I had the rite to don't answer all of u questions. Hope u all understand. It is my freedom, I not a thief, have to ask police questions.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Bye & Take Care, all those have been read my blog
Hi, for those who have beeen read my blog.. Today, I will change to priavte . So, by tonite I will change it, which I had said been by 7/12, I will change to private.. So, tomorrow onwards, u all come see what I had post. At here, I like to say "Sorry" & "thanks" for all the past 6 mths, have been read & post tag in my blog..If u all want to contact me, can still email me, or those who already had my nos, can still sms me, call me.. I will still reply.. I won't like don't reply u all at all. Don't worry...
Lastly, take care lah.. All Panda Family & Felicia fans.. Thanks
Felicia, U also take care... don't forget keep in touch.. Thanks
Lastly, take care lah.. All Panda Family & Felicia fans.. Thanks
Felicia, U also take care... don't forget keep in touch.. Thanks
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Take Care, My Freinds.
Hi, to those who have been read my blog all this long period. Firstly, I like to say "thanks" for those who had been tag & ask me don't change to Priavte. I appreciate for all the heart you all have. Maybe you all have been get use to read my blog, cos my blog most of the time is telling what i thinking inside & say out @ here. Cos of some reason, I also don't bear to do so. At here, I sincerely like to tell you all "Sorry", I can't. But after 2/12/2007 Felicia event, I can see everything from my own eyes.
1) After I & Ice had quarrel, those friends that I had been know for 6mths, you all had changed. Why I said that? Cos when u all see me @ car park, you all don't even want to say "Hi" to me. You all shall know who u r? Specially Committee members. I hope u all will make it very clear, is bertween me & Ice business. Why u all want to treat me as enemy & stranger? Honestly, I still treat u all as my friends. Even you all saw me, say "Hi" to me, won't be any harm, right?
2) Delphine & Vincent, actually I want to say "hi" to you but the way Vincent see me, like enemy. And I also don't want to see Ice face there. So, I choice to stand very far from you all. To avoid all unnecessary things happened.
3) Legend, I like to say "thanks" for that day, come & say "hi" to me. I appreciate. Sorry, for didn't say much to you, cos I was very tired after work & the past few days work super full.
4) Lijuan, that day when u say "hi" to me, like very scare of me. Why? The answer u shall know.
I don't want to ask.
5) Pam, "thanks" for accompany me for this period when I feeling down & understand me so well than anyone who had been know me for 6mths.
Lastly, I sincerely, hope all Panda Fans & Felicia will stay happy.. Take Care..Love Felicia so much than anyone.
1) After I & Ice had quarrel, those friends that I had been know for 6mths, you all had changed. Why I said that? Cos when u all see me @ car park, you all don't even want to say "Hi" to me. You all shall know who u r? Specially Committee members. I hope u all will make it very clear, is bertween me & Ice business. Why u all want to treat me as enemy & stranger? Honestly, I still treat u all as my friends. Even you all saw me, say "Hi" to me, won't be any harm, right?
2) Delphine & Vincent, actually I want to say "hi" to you but the way Vincent see me, like enemy. And I also don't want to see Ice face there. So, I choice to stand very far from you all. To avoid all unnecessary things happened.
3) Legend, I like to say "thanks" for that day, come & say "hi" to me. I appreciate. Sorry, for didn't say much to you, cos I was very tired after work & the past few days work super full.
4) Lijuan, that day when u say "hi" to me, like very scare of me. Why? The answer u shall know.
I don't want to ask.
5) Pam, "thanks" for accompany me for this period when I feeling down & understand me so well than anyone who had been know me for 6mths.
Lastly, I sincerely, hope all Panda Fans & Felicia will stay happy.. Take Care..Love Felicia so much than anyone.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
02/12/2007 Flea Mart @ St.James Power Car Park
Today, before I go Felicia Flea Mart @ St. James Power Car Park, I go To Vivo City 3rd Floor, cos on top got a place which can let peoples play water (Small Pool) & see gd view. When I go up, I saw alot of small kids @ the pool play with the water. When I saw it, my minds appear 1 thing, I also want to go down play.. So, I sit on the pool & put my leg inside & play while waiting for Pam to come & go for see Felicia. When I sit down & play with water, I feel I so relax & forget those unhappiness things in my minds for today & the past. Around 4.30pm, Pam called me, so I quickly wear my slippery & meet her @ Golden Village.
Around 4.45pm, we reached St.James Power Car Park, I saw Adam busy taking picture with. And Felicia Car Boot Flea Mart all have been sold out in the morning 10.45am, heard 1 of my friend said. I'm glad to heard that. 5.05pm, Felicia reached, then the host invite Felicia & Julian to stage. I & Pam stand in front of stage, in front of us alot reporter. So, Felicia didn't see us...Never mind. Then, after awhile, Felicia & Julian came down from stage & walk walk see Flea Mart. When felicia look @ 1 stall, she saw 1 clip of Crown & put @ her shirt. After she walk 1 round, she going off. And all Felicia fans go back stage of Car Park, find her & wait for her.. After awhile, she come out. And all her fans stand in front of her, while I & Pam see so many stand in front of her, we decide to stand on her left side of her car. She wave to her fans & Pam. She haven't see me, cos I keep hide behind Pam.. Haha.. She saw me while she talking on phone with Sean, cos Sean friends pass the hp to her. Her action is so BIG, WAVE & say "HI" to me. Haha.. I so happy, cos I want to give her surprise. Felicia, thanks for saw me just now.
Lastly, Felicia, I like to tell, dun forget what I had told u in letter. No matter, where am I? My care & love will be there for you. This words will be promise forever. Even there are now got some prombles with me & ICE, but I remember what u had told me before. So, I know what to do? Just hope that someone won't step on my tail, if not I won't give u & them "face". I will quarrel with them in front of them. U know that my charcter.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Abt My Blog
I think that some of you have discovered that why my blog can't been see like last time? 1st, I at here, like to say "Sorry" to all of u. I know some of u like to read my blog. Starting when I create this blog, is cos of Felicia. And I rememeber that I don't know how to create this blog. Is all "thanks" to Banana, Delphine, Teddi & "the 1" who don't treat me as friend now. I haven't never forget all. I know that alot of you have know abt abt me & "the 1", what had happened between 2 of u? At here, I want to tell u, not I scare of u.. I just don't want to quarrel, cos I remember what Felicia told me before;
ill be v sad, i want all of u to be happy.
So, I want my bao bei to be happy, so I choice to be Silent & block this blog.. So, my this blog, I will be open for all of u until 1 week (7/12/2007), After 1 week, I will block & only invite ppl can see my blog.. I only invite some of them.. So, hope you all understand.. Anything, U all can email me; I will reply all of u email. Don't worry.. Take Care, all my friends.
Specially felicia, always love u, no matter where am I. No matter now or in future, my care for u will never change.Sunday, November 25, 2007
What Happened With Me & ICE?
NALEL says:
the fact is, no one is asking u to go
NALEL says:
if u help delp, then maybe she will tell u more abt the committee thing
Hope my wish will come True. says:
she never told me to help so i never help
NALEL says:
yeah lat
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
she never ask for ur help
NALEL says:
why are u complaining abt this thursday meeting that no one informed u
NALEL says:
then y she tell me
Hope my wish will come True. says:
i t complain, is feli suddenely ask me, am i going, how to i answer her back, the action on me is like wat l... haiz...
NALEL says:
so Just say u not going la
NALEL says:
cos no one informed u becasue no one is asking for ur help now
NALEL says:
y i knowabt this meeting then>
NALEL says:
delp never ask me to help anything
NALEL says:
i have been helping her n vincent organise n plan a lot of things
NALEL says:
give idea, suggestion
NALEL says:
naturally, got any meeting, she will tell me
NALEL says:
as isaid
NALEL says:
if u ask for help, 9 out of 10 will turn away
NALEL says:
those who want to help, no need to even ask
Hope my wish will come True. says:
.. i belong to tat of ppl who ask for help.. cos i dun want overboard
NALEL says:
u not helping anything, why do u think she will be asking u for the meeting
NALEL says:
is like suddenly, darren or sean or whoever tell me the same thing
NALEL says:
they never help because no one ask them to help
NALEL says:
n they not going to the meeting, because no one inform them
NALEL says:
well..true, they are not going to the meeting
Hope my wish will come True. says:
( WHEN U SAID THIS WORDS IS VERY HURT PPL, I DUN LIKE. I KNOW THAT I NEVER HELP U ALL, I DUN ASK FOR CREDIT FROM U ALL ). u not helping anything, why do u think she will be asking u for the meeting
NALEL says:
wat do u mean i not helping anything
NALEL says:
the fact is u know nothing of wat is going on
NALEL says:
yeah la
NALEL says:
u never help we all wat
NALEL says:
u already say we never ask for ur help
NALEL says:
so for now, u are the same as other ppl
NALEL says:
just ordinary ppl
NALEL says:
then why u keep saying abt this meeting never inform u
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
i ask a veri simple question
NALEL says:
why must we inform u
NALEL says:
inform u for wat U never even help anything in the first place
NALEL says:
u say we never ask for ur help
NALEL says:
but how the hell we know u wanna help
NALEL says:
u keep quiet oni, u think we god Can read ur mind
nvm, i dun want to aruge with u or del or any1 from feli fans, cos we all luv her ..
aruge with u, make my side headache more pain
NALEL says:
i aso dun want to argue with u, but u have been making illogical n senseless statement most of the time
NALEL says:
u just think
NALEL says:
tommrow, every single fan member going to say the same thing
NALEL says:
we never ask for their help, so they never help
NALEL says:
n this meeting, they were not inform
NALEL says:
so they not going
NALEL says:
of course they not going la!! Why we inform them for wat
NALEL says:
n anyway, this meeting
NALEL says:
is actually between amelia, aiwah n delp oni
NALEL says:
if we are going
NALEL says:
we are plainning n discussing abt this coming nov 24 thing
NALEL says:
this meeting original purpose was to tkeep it clear to amelia after repeat n repaeat to her from aiwah
NALEL says:
tat delp is taking charge n doing the website
NALEL says:
but ameliahave not been making up her mind
NALEL says:
suddenly, want to assisst, suddenly want to be head
NALEL says:
told her liao, delp do web
NALEL says:
she dun listen
NALEL says:
insist she do
NALEL says:
this thursday settle everything
NALEL says:
so now u tell me
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
we are doing planning, n u want to help, then we can consider asking u to come or i can suggest it to delp
NALEL says:
for now, it is to settle their problem
NALEL says:
we are here trying to settle the problenm tat is in place for us... we have to set up the website for the upcomming starawards
NALEL says:
but u are here trying to save ur faces when fel ask u got go or not, u like malu
NALEL says:
u think we do this for fun We are trying hard to settle the problem with amelia.
NALEL says:
so tat things can go smoothly, n as fast as we settle, we can do the iceskating thing aso
NALEL says:
n tat is y we never offical announce anything
NALEL says:
everything is all said by aiwah one
NALEL says:
so please understand
NALEL says:
no one is hurting u
NALEL says:
u are asking me to hurt u
NALEL says:
n u told me u are like malu dunno wat to say when fel ask u got go or not
NALEL says:
so Never go, never go la
NALEL says:
so are u saying if thursday, meeting u not there, u will be veri malu
NALEL says:
no rite
NALEL says:
then if u never go, never go la
NALEL says:
is none of ur business on that day wat, is none of ours as well
NALEL says:
was intended to be 3 ppl oni
NALEL says:
aiwah, amelia n delp
I believe that alot of u will asked what going between me & ice? Now, I going to tell u all. Cos IN ICE EYES, I JUST ORDINARY PPL & FANS. SO, THIS WORDS ALWAYS IN MY HEART.
Felicia, sorry, I don't want to post those words that ice had said abt me, but he make me until i can't stand him anymore..
the fact is, no one is asking u to go
NALEL says:
if u help delp, then maybe she will tell u more abt the committee thing
Hope my wish will come True. says:
she never told me to help so i never help
NALEL says:
yeah lat
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
she never ask for ur help
NALEL says:
why are u complaining abt this thursday meeting that no one informed u
NALEL says:
then y she tell me
Hope my wish will come True. says:
i t complain, is feli suddenely ask me, am i going, how to i answer her back, the action on me is like wat l... haiz...
NALEL says:
so Just say u not going la
NALEL says:
cos no one informed u becasue no one is asking for ur help now
NALEL says:
y i knowabt this meeting then>
NALEL says:
delp never ask me to help anything
NALEL says:
i have been helping her n vincent organise n plan a lot of things
NALEL says:
give idea, suggestion
NALEL says:
naturally, got any meeting, she will tell me
NALEL says:
as isaid
NALEL says:
if u ask for help, 9 out of 10 will turn away
NALEL says:
those who want to help, no need to even ask
Hope my wish will come True. says:
.. i belong to tat of ppl who ask for help.. cos i dun want overboard
NALEL says:
u not helping anything, why do u think she will be asking u for the meeting
NALEL says:
is like suddenly, darren or sean or whoever tell me the same thing
NALEL says:
they never help because no one ask them to help
NALEL says:
n they not going to the meeting, because no one inform them
NALEL says:
well..true, they are not going to the meeting
Hope my wish will come True. says:
( WHEN U SAID THIS WORDS IS VERY HURT PPL, I DUN LIKE. I KNOW THAT I NEVER HELP U ALL, I DUN ASK FOR CREDIT FROM U ALL ). u not helping anything, why do u think she will be asking u for the meeting
NALEL says:
wat do u mean i not helping anything
NALEL says:
the fact is u know nothing of wat is going on
NALEL says:
yeah la
NALEL says:
u never help we all wat
NALEL says:
u already say we never ask for ur help
NALEL says:
so for now, u are the same as other ppl
NALEL says:
just ordinary ppl
NALEL says:
then why u keep saying abt this meeting never inform u
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
i ask a veri simple question
NALEL says:
why must we inform u
NALEL says:
inform u for wat U never even help anything in the first place
NALEL says:
u say we never ask for ur help
NALEL says:
but how the hell we know u wanna help
NALEL says:
u keep quiet oni, u think we god Can read ur mind
nvm, i dun want to aruge with u or del or any1 from feli fans, cos we all luv her ..
aruge with u, make my side headache more pain
NALEL says:
i aso dun want to argue with u, but u have been making illogical n senseless statement most of the time
NALEL says:
u just think
NALEL says:
tommrow, every single fan member going to say the same thing
NALEL says:
we never ask for their help, so they never help
NALEL says:
n this meeting, they were not inform
NALEL says:
so they not going
NALEL says:
of course they not going la!! Why we inform them for wat
NALEL says:
n anyway, this meeting
NALEL says:
is actually between amelia, aiwah n delp oni
NALEL says:
if we are going
NALEL says:
we are plainning n discussing abt this coming nov 24 thing
NALEL says:
this meeting original purpose was to tkeep it clear to amelia after repeat n repaeat to her from aiwah
NALEL says:
tat delp is taking charge n doing the website
NALEL says:
but ameliahave not been making up her mind
NALEL says:
suddenly, want to assisst, suddenly want to be head
NALEL says:
told her liao, delp do web
NALEL says:
she dun listen
NALEL says:
insist she do
NALEL says:
this thursday settle everything
NALEL says:
so now u tell me
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
NALEL says:
we are doing planning, n u want to help, then we can consider asking u to come or i can suggest it to delp
NALEL says:
for now, it is to settle their problem
NALEL says:
we are here trying to settle the problenm tat is in place for us... we have to set up the website for the upcomming starawards
NALEL says:
but u are here trying to save ur faces when fel ask u got go or not, u like malu
NALEL says:
u think we do this for fun We are trying hard to settle the problem with amelia.
NALEL says:
so tat things can go smoothly, n as fast as we settle, we can do the iceskating thing aso
NALEL says:
n tat is y we never offical announce anything
NALEL says:
everything is all said by aiwah one
NALEL says:
so please understand
NALEL says:
no one is hurting u
NALEL says:
u are asking me to hurt u
NALEL says:
n u told me u are like malu dunno wat to say when fel ask u got go or not
NALEL says:
so Never go, never go la
NALEL says:
so are u saying if thursday, meeting u not there, u will be veri malu
NALEL says:
no rite
NALEL says:
then if u never go, never go la
NALEL says:
is none of ur business on that day wat, is none of ours as well
NALEL says:
was intended to be 3 ppl oni
NALEL says:
aiwah, amelia n delp
I believe that alot of u will asked what going between me & ice? Now, I going to tell u all. Cos IN ICE EYES, I JUST ORDINARY PPL & FANS. SO, THIS WORDS ALWAYS IN MY HEART.
Felicia, sorry, I don't want to post those words that ice had said abt me, but he make me until i can't stand him anymore..
Lina Ng "The Mission" 24/11 @ Lau Pa Sa
Today 24/11 is the super tired day for me,why I said that cos morning I go Lau Pa Sa support Lina Ng "The mission". 8.30am wake up, 9.30am left home. Before I go Lau Pa Sa, I went to see the river & take a breath & write something @ there to some1. When I write the things, make me my tear come out.. (Pls dun ask me why?) Thanks. Then, around 10.45am, I reached Lau Pa Sai, after awhile Lina reached. She saw me & wave to me. When I see her, she keep coughing very bad. I feel bad, cos she sick still fliming.. But she dun take it to heart.. She keep looking @ me & smile @ me & make alot funny faces.. Maybe she can see that I look like not happy.. But I just care cover the feeling. Then, she come to my desk, chat with me awhile, said I look "fat" lah.. Better than last time, cos I look so thin.. Lina & me have know each other for 9yrs from Star Search until now, I still care, concern & love her as my close friend. I remember that time, ppl asked me, why I support Lina? Not Sharon & Kim, when they fliming "Cheng Ren Za Zhi". I reply, cos her charcter is same as me, belong to straight ppl. Sometimes, we will aruge, but after awhile, she will always the 1 who start talk to me 1st.. cos she know that I had support, love, care, concern more than other fans who she know. (IT IS WHAT I LOOKING FOR & WAT WE CALL TRUE FRIEND & NOT FANS, LIKE OTHER ARTISTE, IF "ONLY 1" KNOW THAT WHAT I THINKING INSIDE LIKE LINA & CHEN HUI HUI, FRIENDSHIP WILL LAST FOREVER UNTIL LEAVE THIIS WORLD).
I had see Lina change alot from a gal who is very "38" until now very "mature". But her charcter still the same.
12pm "The Mission" start , I was the 5 person, go to Lina fruit stall buy fruits from her. I go up when the cameraman not beside her, but never thought the producer said want some 1 to eat the chocolate cream with friut on it.. Then, Lina told producer asked me to flim, cos we know each other.. then, my face is shocked, I told Lina secretly, U "sabo" me.. She smile... Then, she asked me choice banana, then I said ok loh.. After bought the fruits, We go to the choclate cream. Then, Jeff & Lina asked Rong Ming to feed me, with banana & chocolate cream on it so much & want me to bite. So, I bite small mouth, then Jeff said why u eat so small bite? Ask me try again, open "big mouth" & bite. Then, I look @ Lina, she said, I a gal, "shy".. Wow kao... I can feel that my face is "red & hot". Then, no choice, I bite with "big mouth". Then, Jeff asked me alot of "yellow questions" , my minds is ??? Then, asked me, I come here to support who? I said Lina, then, they asked Lina feed me again.. Oh my god.. want me to bite how many times?
Around 12.45pm, Lina's hubby come & support her, bring his youngest kid. I like this youngest 1,cos he very cute, which u all can see from picture.. Haha..
Abt 1.30pm , I said "bye bye" to Lina, cos I running down to Ice Skate. Lastly, I want to say
"thanks" Lina for treat me the fruits, dun want me to pay.. "pai sai" & happy to see after so long we never see each other from this yrs CNY @ genting until now. Hope our friendship will last forever & lastly. Thanks for so trust me so many yrs...
Friday, November 16, 2007
How am I going to celebrate my bdae 12/1/08?
Hmm...when I post this entry.. 1st in my mind is how am I going to celebrate my bdae? Will I be alone on this day? Who will celebrate for me for my bdae? Cos my birthday fall on Sat. And I had a habit every yr my birthday, I will request off. Cos give myself a break. And will some 1 remember my birthday & gave my present? Cos I had long time never recieve something from the 1 who I care & concern so much.. I remember that the 1st time the person gave me is cookies. I dun bear to eat for 1 weeks. My mum scold me, crazy ah? Keep so long dun want to eat.. I told her cos it is the 1st gift the person gave me.. haha..
As for my next yrs birthday, REALLY HOPE THE PERSON WHO I CARE SO MUCH WILL REMEMBER MY BIRTHDAY & KNOW HOW TO MAKE ME HAPPY. COS 1YRS ONLY 1 TIME BIRTHDAY. If not, i got to listen & sing WEN LAN " 祝我生日快樂" for myself.
If the person who had read my blog, hope u know what i trying to tell u.. During this few yrs, we have know so long & walk through the difficult path & alot of memories times inside our heart. I believe u also know that. At here, I like to say "Thanks" giving me so many happines, even sometimes I will cry in the dark in my room. But I want to tell u that I have never fail in giving my care & concern on u. I believe u also got eyes to see & know inside ur heart.
Lastly, hope my wishes will come.. God I believe that U can heard that my heart, know what I mean & want..
As for my next yrs birthday, REALLY HOPE THE PERSON WHO I CARE SO MUCH WILL REMEMBER MY BIRTHDAY & KNOW HOW TO MAKE ME HAPPY. COS 1YRS ONLY 1 TIME BIRTHDAY. If not, i got to listen & sing WEN LAN " 祝我生日快樂" for myself.
If the person who had read my blog, hope u know what i trying to tell u.. During this few yrs, we have know so long & walk through the difficult path & alot of memories times inside our heart. I believe u also know that. At here, I like to say "Thanks" giving me so many happines, even sometimes I will cry in the dark in my room. But I want to tell u that I have never fail in giving my care & concern on u. I believe u also got eyes to see & know inside ur heart.
Lastly, hope my wishes will come.. God I believe that U can heard that my heart, know what I mean & want..
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Felicia @ Campus Yummy Hunt (SP) 05/11/2007

Today is the day that I was so tired which i had never been before go going Felicia fliming..Why I said so? Cos I reached Singapore Poly 9.40am, then when I reached SP, i quickly go & find where is Court 4, Court 1 & Court 3? From Court 4 to Court 1 is so far away, then I go & find where is Court 3, I gave up find Court 1, cos had to walk so many staircase.. cos I old lah, can't climb too many staircase. I meet Lijuan & Melissa @ SP Court 4. We from 10am wait for Felicia until 11.45am then they come. The MCS prodcution late for fliming.. I wait until eyes want to closed lah.. Cos waiting is a tired things while nth to do.. Then, when we see their bus come, we go outside car park, wait for them. Then, the "38" Desmond in the bus saw me, told Felicia that Joey come lah.. Then, Felicia look @ me & said "Hi" to me. I want to give her surprise but Desmond lah... Then, the team come down from bus, they waiting for seats cos when they reached SP, is already alot student having break. So, they start fliming 12.30pm @ Court 4, they introduce Thai food @ KOU FU foodcourt. After they fliming Court 4 1.30pm, me, Li Juan, Melissa, Ade, Ailin, Keane & Pam walk to Court 1 before the bus going..
When we reached Court 1, they had reached, so all of decide to buy some drink, cos tired after walk so long & hot weather. After awhile, Felicia they all come.. Then, 1.45pm, they start to fliming. During the break, got 1 kid went to say "hello" to felicia & take picture with her.. And Felicia also make fun of him, called him "Elmo" cos he carry "Elmo" bag & while playing, felicia try to dare see the kid will kiss her or not? The kid was really dare, which u all can see the above picture. Haha.. (cute, rite?) After that kid said "bye bye" to felicia, then Felicia gave him a sweet hug. 3pm they flliming Court 1, so we all walk to Court 3 which is th last location.
When we fliming Court 3, we reached there 1st, cos I bring Lijuan they all walk short cut. After awhile, felicia & desmond come, he said that we so fast.. Haha.. during the break, Desmond told us to take 1 by 1 picture, cos he want to put @ his blog @ gave us 1 nick name of felicia "四大保姆". Can't stand Desmond, can think each of us nick name.
Around 6pm they fliming finished, So I told Felicia<>
That all for the day fo SP story. Nice to know Ade, Aili & so on @ SP. And hope u all enjoy that day.. Take Care every1. Lastly, Felicia "MISS U SO MUCH" heehee... dun forget to hug the things I gave u when sleeping..
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