我今天终于把你从我的friendster removed u in my friends already. 因为你已经不是我在乎的人,朋友了。。Hp 你的nos & sms, 你所send 给我的。。。我也把它拿走了。。。因为只要我一看到你的照片,sms..我就伤心。。我不要把伤心永远陪着我。。2009要来了。。我不希望新的一年记得你的样子。。。
**我只知道我累了,对你没有勇气的性格感到累了。。。我不需要你的祝福,我更不需要你跟我说take care...因为u are not fit to tell me all that....cos u r not my friends..
Sunday, November 30, 2008
What is the point of planning gathering?
我觉得我真的很累。。。累是因为每次我plan 好的gathering.. 每次都会一些事让我很气,不开心。。。就如:
[1]QQ gathering, 好心问每一个,sms 问他们有没有来。。 可是,我却收到一个人的sms 告诉我,he think better don't go for gathering,cos scared of ppl gossip & try to avoid of it. And even try to stay away from those ppl they r related to me..我心里在想,这个是一个QQ gathering, 不是你和我的约会。。Why scare ppl gossip? And u also like QQ? Is there anything wrong meh? For going the fc gathering? PLEASE lah. 请分辨白和黑,可以吗?
[2] Joanne gathering: 我 plan 好的rundown, 告诉我,有一个part take away the interview of she got rape in the show & replace as Game 3. 如果这么喜欢玩games, then the 2hrs gathering keep playing games Non-stop better. No photography & autography for fans, no exchange present, Joanne don't need to sing 2 songs.. MUCH BETTER. DON"T THINK SO? Easy for everyone.. Dun need so many trouble. 一直玩game, very tired. And make everyone can't breath.. And then wat is the points, I request of fry foods for everyone that day? Cos at least everyone got time to relax & eat & drink during the 2hrs..
** 这些都是我一直想说出来的,尤其是point 1, 我真的是忍了好多天.所以,我没updated blog the past few days. Cos I was no moods.. But no one understand what i try to do & plan? Do u know that I sianz & tired of those rubbish?
[1]QQ gathering, 好心问每一个,sms 问他们有没有来。。 可是,我却收到一个人的sms 告诉我,he think better don't go for gathering,cos scared of ppl gossip & try to avoid of it. And even try to stay away from those ppl they r related to me..我心里在想,这个是一个QQ gathering, 不是你和我的约会。。Why scare ppl gossip? And u also like QQ? Is there anything wrong meh? For going the fc gathering? PLEASE lah. 请分辨白和黑,可以吗?
[2] Joanne gathering: 我 plan 好的rundown, 告诉我,有一个part take away the interview of she got rape in the show & replace as Game 3. 如果这么喜欢玩games, then the 2hrs gathering keep playing games Non-stop better. No photography & autography for fans, no exchange present, Joanne don't need to sing 2 songs.. MUCH BETTER. DON"T THINK SO? Easy for everyone.. Dun need so many trouble. 一直玩game, very tired. And make everyone can't breath.. And then wat is the points, I request of fry foods for everyone that day? Cos at least everyone got time to relax & eat & drink during the 2hrs..
** 这些都是我一直想说出来的,尤其是point 1, 我真的是忍了好多天.所以,我没updated blog the past few days. Cos I was no moods.. But no one understand what i try to do & plan? Do u know that I sianz & tired of those rubbish?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Outing at Seoul Garedn Bugis 29/11/2008
上个星期六,我2.30pm - 4pm 到Marina Square 的Burgar King collected Joanne gathering $$ from fans. 原本,Rina 约我2.30pm。可是 ,她迟到3pm 才到。。没办法,我就先做settle up & collected the $$ who had come down make payment 1st..
4.15pm , 我,Rina & Teddi才离开到Bugis meet Delphine & Vincent. 4.30pm我们到Bugis, Vincent 打给我们,说他要剪头发, 我们就在QB house 等他。。他剪完头发后,我们就开始我们的“工作”去买Joanne gathering stuffs..
大概6.30pm , 我们就去Seoul Garden 吃我们的Dinner.. Vincent, Delphine & Teddi 1 table. Me & Rina 1 table.. Vincent & Delphine 那桌上很多东西比我的桌子才多。。因为Rina 怕BBQ.. 所以,我很幸苦,我只能煮我这面的BBQ, Rina side我不能煮。。因为怕弄到她。。吃完饭后,我们就discuss gathering 的东西。。Discuss 完了,我们就陪Vincent 到BHG 走走,因为他说要买东西for Joanne gathering Exchange present session. 买完了,我们就回家了。。我和Delphine 搭一样的train 回家。。
**我的其中一个Christmas wish had come true.. Like to thanks Delphine, Vincent, Rina & Teddi make my wish come true.. 虽然,这只是一点点的事,可是,我已经很开心了。。因为我是个容易满足的人。。
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You Are A BIG Coward
In my eyes, in my minds, You are A COWARD to me NOW. I was damn angry with what I had saw ur sms.. Ytd I sms everybody, just to double check with who is cfm going? And today, I received YOUR sms, in ur sms, u told me; "I guess. After some thoughts yesterday, I think it's best for the sake of everybody's interest, that I should not come for the gathering. I guess i myself is afraid of gossipers now. I am really sorry to myself that I had dailed to bring you back as a friend to me. I guess I shall stay away from everyone who was/are related to u. It would be good for us all. Thanks for being a friend once. Thanks for u have given me a chnace once to befriend with you. Take Care.
I reply: "ok, since u want avoid & stay away me, rah,mh js. Go ahead. Now, in my minds, u r a coward. And now I telling u, u r not my frez.From 2dae onwards, ur nos won't be in my hp. And 20/12 also cancel our outing. Next time, u got any prombles, dun find me."
Sun, I invited you to see 45th Anniversary, I know u lies to me, that u said u got smt on, cos Chantrice, JS & Mh is going.. U scared they said u..What u had sms me? "It's true that I avoid coming for that sun show because I don't want rumours and gossip to spread again. I believe u also don't want rite? Isn't better I dun appear for that sun show?
**我真的对你很失望。。。I HATE U DEEPLY.
I reply: "ok, since u want avoid & stay away me, rah,mh js. Go ahead. Now, in my minds, u r a coward. And now I telling u, u r not my frez.From 2dae onwards, ur nos won't be in my hp. And 20/12 also cancel our outing. Next time, u got any prombles, dun find me."
Sun, I invited you to see 45th Anniversary, I know u lies to me, that u said u got smt on, cos Chantrice, JS & Mh is going.. U scared they said u..What u had sms me? "It's true that I avoid coming for that sun show because I don't want rumours and gossip to spread again. I believe u also don't want rite? Isn't better I dun appear for that sun show?
**我真的对你很失望。。。I HATE U DEEPLY.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
許美靜 - 明知道
許美靜 - 明知故犯
許美靜 孫燕姿 蔡健雅 - 看電視
許美靜- 聽那星光歌唱
許美靜 - 鐵窗
許美靜 - 遺憾
許美靜 - 如此
許美靜 -- 蔓延
** 我最喜欢的歌是“明知道”是因为美静自己写的歌,让我开始支持& 喜欢她。。到现在才是一样。。。我说过,不管以后她才会不会再唱歌?本地歌手,我只喜欢美静一个。。因为她永远是我的baby...Yeah.. Love u...
許美靜 - 明知故犯
許美靜 孫燕姿 蔡健雅 - 看電視
許美靜- 聽那星光歌唱
許美靜 - 鐵窗
許美靜 - 遺憾
許美靜 - 如此
許美靜 -- 蔓延
** 我最喜欢的歌是“明知道”是因为美静自己写的歌,让我开始支持& 喜欢她。。到现在才是一样。。。我说过,不管以后她才会不会再唱歌?本地歌手,我只喜欢美静一个。。因为她永远是我的baby...Yeah.. Love u...

我很开心。。 因为我等了14年了,从1994 - 2008。我一直都在等许美静的concert.. 终于,让我等到了。。虽然,不是她的个唱,她只是以特别来宾的身份参与首晚演出。。。Local renowned artiste Xu Mei Jing (许美静) will specially performed on the first night 21 February only.
http://www.sistic.com.sg/portal/dt?dt.isPortletRequest=true&dt.action=process&dt.provider=PortletWindowProcessChannel&dt.windowProvider.targetPortletChannel=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar/Event&dt.containerName=JSPTabContainer/sEventsCalendar&dt.windowProvider.currentChannelMode=VIEW&dt.window.portletAction=RENDER&contentCode=chong0209我明年的生日愿望成真了。。 哈哈我一定会去看美静的表演。。。不知道有那个好心人会陪我看。。 哈哈如果没有,我就一个人去看。。现在,book until 15/12, will have 15% discount TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)Standard - S$118 ($100.30) , S$98 ($83.30) , S$88 ($74.80), S$68 ($57.80), S$58 ($49.30).. 我想我一定会去买$100.30. 因为这也许唯一次可以看到美静的concert..我打算有green lightsticks.. 因为她喜欢Green.. 哈哈。。。。
** Baby, 你等我噢。。。我再次高声和你一起唱“城里的月光”,“明知道”,“颜色”,"鐵窗", "遺憾", "都是夜歸人", " 如此", "带我走" , "迫在眉梢 ", "蔓延", "阳光都在风雨后”。。 我才记得什么唱呢。。哈哈.. Really can't wait for 21/02/2009 faster come... 美静,我好想你。。好想抱你。。
Monday, November 24, 2008
45th The Anniversary Gala 2008 (23/11/2008) Part 2

首先,我要和那些在等Part 2 entry 的人说Sorry.. 其实,我上个星期很想写这个blog. 可是,因为每当我看到Mc king 的照片,我的心情开始了。。现在让我写45th Anniversary 的事情发生的东西吧。。
那天早上,我去了陈慧慧的spa,11.30am - 1pm .. 然后,我就meet Rina for AMK Hub lunch. 我们吃Mos Burger,,吃完我就下Mediacorp 找Delphine. Vincent. 因为他们很早就到了。。我帮他们打包Dinner. Around 6.30pm the gate is open, 当那个门一开,很多人冲到我们的前面,又其SEAN KOK & CHERYN .我& Vincent shoted : "SEAN KOK CUT Q AH".. Then, he "lan lan" go behind.. Haha.. 我们Felicia & Joanne fans was so happy, cos they said us, was daring to shout SEAN Kok.. 哈哈。。Sorry loh, who asked him cut my Q.. Don't think he know GRO Jeffery, so what? At Mediacorp, go by law.
节目一开始,全体艺人出来。。我看到慧慧,我就大声叫她。。她听到我的声音,可是不知道我坐那里?她一直在找我。。哈哈。。。Joanne 出来,我们就喊Joanne. 她看到我们。。 哈哈。。当天的节目,让我印象很深的是,郭亮演的“梁细妹”, Dennis 演的“Aiyoyo" & 郑各平演的“爆牙嫂”让全场的人大笑。。
有一场,他们播了王沙,野蜂,华亮 & MC King 的照片,我的眼泪开始掉下了。。对他们已经离开了我,所以无法出席这个节目。。心里在想,如果MC King 在,他一定会出席,才会拍很多照片放在blog.. 可是,播完就广告,我就和Rina 去Toilet. 因为我怕我的眼泪无法控制。。只想对MC king 说的,我们都没有把你忘记。。。你已经离开我们7个月了,你才过的开心吗?我好想你噢。。。
节目完后,我们就到RG 等Joanne & Felicia 出来。。。Joanne 大概11am 出来,她只陪我们一下,因为她赶时间。。我们跟她拍了一些照片。。。。Joanne 走后,我和Delphine con't wait for Felicia. Felicia the last one to come out & around 11.40pm.. 很多她的fans 找她。。跟她拍照。。我才是一样,最后一个找她拍照。。拍完了,我们就走。。我和Delphine share cab go home.
** 开心-因为可以再次看到很多老艺人。。可惜,汤妙龄没来。。。可以在不同的时间等到Joanne & Felicia. 我不用分2边跑。。哈哈。。因为每次2个都一起出来。。。很难做人。。。
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Orchard Xmas Decor
星期六,下午meet Rina 在Suntec 3pm,passed 她一些东西。然后,原本跟Vincent约好要一起去买basketball. 可是,最后没有meet, 因为Rina 说借我basketball, 因为她家里有5个。。哈哈。 Then,我就跟她借一个,我可以省钱。。因为我又不打basketball, 就不要浪费钱。。我就sms 给Vincent 说不用meet, 好让他可以,做他的东西。。
Meet 完了Rina, 我就一个人自己走Orchard. 我就拍了很多decor Christmas stuffs. 好可爱。。心在想,如果晚上去的话,一定很美。。
我看到Suntec 的fountain 有Precious Moment好美。。我打算有一天,去拍它。。因为我喜欢Precious Moments 的可爱。。可是,从来没有买它的东西,因为贵啊。。
拍完照,我就搭bus回家了。。。觉得好boring sat.. 哈哈。。
拍完照,我就搭bus回家了。。。觉得好boring sat.. 哈哈。。
**好期待Dec gathering every sat. 哈哈。。快点到来。。。。
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