The past 2 days, I was been busy rushing here & there.. Like me tell u all, what I do?
Monday 29/12 - After work 6pm, I rushed to Mediacorp take countdown Vivo City tixs..Then, from Mediacorp rush to Vivo City see Felicia rehearsal, reached Vivo around 9pm.. When I reached Vivo, I called Delphine & asked her, where is she? Then, go & find her @ back stage of tent..Vincent, Lijuan, YiJing, Von & Jia Hui was there already.. We had alot crap & fun there. After awhile, saw Felicia come out from the rest room..Felicia wave to us.. Then, after awhile "I not Felicia" come out & gave us SWEETS..she give every one of us 2 sweets but Von get extra BONUS.. Haha...Maybe cos they think we too noise, want us to shut up for awhile.. Haha.. Today, I neever take pic with Felicia or even her solo picture.. Cos no chance & see her like so tired...
We saw Felicia rehearsal abit..Around 10pm, we go home.. Before we go home, we called Felicia tat we go home.. Then, Felicia hold my hand & say "Mummy, Bye, Bye".. I shout to her, remember drink more water & more rest. She answer "Ok".. Then we all left..
Tuesday 30/12 - After work 6pm, I rushed to cut my hair.. Cos I had book appointed last week.. Reached the salon at Jurong East 6.45pm, my stylish know I rushing time, so she quickly cut hair for me.. 7.15pm finished my hair cut. Then, I rush to Vivo again.. Reached there 8pm.. Then, I called Delphine & find her again.. Lijuan, Von, YiJing was there also ......When I was there, Felicia was already on stage.. Then, around 10pm they end Rehearsal.. But 10.30pm they need to be FULL dress.. So, we all insist to wait for her come out with FULL dress.. Around 10.20pm, Felicia went to toilet, so we all quickly run to find her, cos the back stage been block.. When we run there, she was already come out.. Cos they block one big round.. Then, I saw her, I quickly chase her & passed her the present.. Then, she said "See you later".. Then, I said "ah.. we want to go home lah"... She rushing in, cos 10.30pm FULL dress.. Around 10.45pm, me & Delphine left 1st.. Lijuan & Yijing still waiting.. Von left at 10.30pm... Today, I was never take any picture of Felicia again...
**The past 2 days, I never take any pic of Felicia.. I was abit sad.. Everyone got take pic with her 1st day.. But I didn't.. Maybe I was not fate at all. Cos everytimes when I reached there awhile, Delphine they all told me want to leave.. Lucky I never waste $$ take cab down.. Cos ex...Hope 2nite I can take pic of her @ Vivo & also can see Felicia .. Cos I rush down after my work 6pm.. Sianz NO HALF DAY, OUR COMPANY.. OTHER COMPANY HAVE.. WHY MY COMPANY DON'T HAVE.. They asked me to take MC, I told them, I don't want.. Cos will deduct $60 & medical fee $38.. cannot claim.. I don't have so much $$.. Got to save $$ for 04/01/09, go down pray MC King 1st anniversary...Hope 2nite GOD will bless me can go in & see the "Live" show & have fun with Felicia fans.. And the countdown feel...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Jan - 我的生日,虽然不是很多人来我的charlet.. 可是,我收到Felicia & Joanne 电话,wishes me. 我已经很开心了。。
04/01/2008 - MC King 离开了我们。。他的离开,让我很难过。。因为太突然了。。 我才是很想他。。。
07th Feb - CNY countdown at Mediacorp see Felicia perform.. 当时,“唯我独尊”16强也有invole.节目完,我们到RG 去找Felicia..Felicia 走了,我就到Reception 等Darren 放工。。在我们等Darren 的时候,我们看到“唯我独尊”的16强走出来等cab...突然 ,我跟他们说有一个女的,很像Felicia. Vincent 就说那里?他就跟我们说,他要上去和她拍照,问我们要不要?我们就说不要,因为"Pai Seh"haha...后来,有一个女的像Felicia 走过来,问我是不是Joey?我说是,你什么知道我的名字?她就告诉我,我有读你的blog.我没有想到我的blog, 这么多人读。。哈哈 。。。我就问她叫什么名?她说她叫“洪秋婷”。。哈哈。。我们就这样click 起来了。。。也许,因为她是个是个 siao 的人。。哈哈。。我们就在一晚,这么熟了。。。
08 Feb - QQ去我的office, 拿糖给我。。我不在。。当我来的时候,我看到桌上的糖,吓一跳。。。我就sms 给QQ...thanks for her sweets & card..
14 Feb - 情人节,我和QQ 见面,after her report @ Mediacorp..我们约在suntec 见面。。。我们就去Milliena Walk 的一个cafe 。。 她送我chocolate & wrap & design herself..当我看了,感动因为是我爱吃的酒精chocolate.
Mar - June 是我最忙的3个月。。可是,也是我最开心得时光。。因为QQ..
28 Jun - 帮QQ办了21st birthday party @ Kbox Maria Square.. Have alot of fun, just got some unhappiness things happend. Overall still well done..
Sep - 我和MH, Rah, Js, Jimmy, Peiyi & Chantrice 开始变成敌人。。。都是因为Jimmy....现在我们不再是朋友了。。
06/09/2008 - Nicole 离开了我们,她的死也让我很难过。虽然,她和我不是很熟,可是她对待人的真诚,让我很感动。。她对音乐很认真。。她留下了她的女儿和妈妈。。希望她的家人能健强。。
Oct - Felicia birthday gathering is a Fun & Great gathering...Enjoy myself...
Dec - Have a early xmas gathering with Joanne fc.. There was alot of fun, joys & laugh....Even before that, there is alot of unhappy things on discuss.. But at the end, we had make it..
And also meet up with QQ for write those xmas card to her fans...
**2008 是一个让我很难忘的一年,up & down moods.. 让我看清楚很多人的为人。。。什么人值得去珍惜,什么人不值得去珍惜。。谁是我在乎的朋友,我都知道。就让我把那些不开心的2008事给忘了。。。把快乐的永远放在心里面。。。希望,2009 年,我和QQ, Felicia & Joanne friendship will last 4ever.. 也希望QQ的身体会好起来。。Cos I Love U as my friend QQ..
Jan - 我的生日,虽然不是很多人来我的charlet.. 可是,我收到Felicia & Joanne 电话,wishes me. 我已经很开心了。。
04/01/2008 - MC King 离开了我们。。他的离开,让我很难过。。因为太突然了。。 我才是很想他。。。
07th Feb - CNY countdown at Mediacorp see Felicia perform.. 当时,“唯我独尊”16强也有invole.节目完,我们到RG 去找Felicia..Felicia 走了,我就到Reception 等Darren 放工。。在我们等Darren 的时候,我们看到“唯我独尊”的16强走出来等cab...突然 ,我跟他们说有一个女的,很像Felicia. Vincent 就说那里?他就跟我们说,他要上去和她拍照,问我们要不要?我们就说不要,因为"Pai Seh"haha...后来,有一个女的像Felicia 走过来,问我是不是Joey?我说是,你什么知道我的名字?她就告诉我,我有读你的blog.我没有想到我的blog, 这么多人读。。哈哈 。。。我就问她叫什么名?她说她叫“洪秋婷”。。哈哈。。我们就这样click 起来了。。。也许,因为她是个是个 siao 的人。。哈哈。。我们就在一晚,这么熟了。。。
08 Feb - QQ去我的office, 拿糖给我。。我不在。。当我来的时候,我看到桌上的糖,吓一跳。。。我就sms 给QQ...thanks for her sweets & card..
14 Feb - 情人节,我和QQ 见面,after her report @ Mediacorp..我们约在suntec 见面。。。我们就去Milliena Walk 的一个cafe 。。 她送我chocolate & wrap & design herself..当我看了,感动因为是我爱吃的酒精chocolate.
Mar - June 是我最忙的3个月。。可是,也是我最开心得时光。。因为QQ..
28 Jun - 帮QQ办了21st birthday party @ Kbox Maria Square.. Have alot of fun, just got some unhappiness things happend. Overall still well done..
Sep - 我和MH, Rah, Js, Jimmy, Peiyi & Chantrice 开始变成敌人。。。都是因为Jimmy....现在我们不再是朋友了。。
06/09/2008 - Nicole 离开了我们,她的死也让我很难过。虽然,她和我不是很熟,可是她对待人的真诚,让我很感动。。她对音乐很认真。。她留下了她的女儿和妈妈。。希望她的家人能健强。。
Oct - Felicia birthday gathering is a Fun & Great gathering...Enjoy myself...
Dec - Have a early xmas gathering with Joanne fc.. There was alot of fun, joys & laugh....Even before that, there is alot of unhappy things on discuss.. But at the end, we had make it..
And also meet up with QQ for write those xmas card to her fans...
**2008 是一个让我很难忘的一年,up & down moods.. 让我看清楚很多人的为人。。。什么人值得去珍惜,什么人不值得去珍惜。。谁是我在乎的朋友,我都知道。就让我把那些不开心的2008事给忘了。。。把快乐的永远放在心里面。。。希望,2009 年,我和QQ, Felicia & Joanne friendship will last 4ever.. 也希望QQ的身体会好起来。。Cos I Love U as my friend QQ..
Sunday, December 28, 2008
After The Little Nyonya, go RG

After The Little Nyonya Event at Compass Point, when the artiste busy signing autograph, Me, Rina, Delphine & Vincent took Rina' s car & went down to RG.. We reached RG before them.. While waiting for them to come back, we all sitting inside & talk crap.. While talking half way, Rina saw her car is dirty, she climb up the car & clean her car. OMG..Too bad, I never took the pic down, if not I will show Joanne.. Haha...
Around 5pm, the bus had reached RG, abt 10mins later, Joanne come out. She saw Rina's car & wave to us. Then, we come down from the car..Then, we all start to chat with her & take pic of her.. She still so crap & lame loh.. Before she left, she still never forget her "gd friend piglet", do all those funny pattern.. Make all of us laugh until can't stand her. Then, we all want to take pic with her, she will ask everyone of us, "want to take pic with "我的好朋友吗?". OMG.. make us laugh ... We all was willing to take pic with her "gd friend"..
** Joanne was not feeling well that day, but she willing to stay around 20mins with us & have fun.. I was already happy & appreciate..Thanks, Tomato, Sotong, Piglet & Umbrella gal. These nickname is we committee members gave her one.. Haha..
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Little Nyonya @ Compass Point

Sat, I went to The Little Nyonya Event @ Compass Point.. Rina meet for for lunch 12pm. When I reached there 11.50am, I saw so many peoples Q for the free poster.. OMG.. They really "Kiasu"..After our lunch, we started to stand near the stage of left hand side of front row.. Cos centre is FULLY already for the Q of poster..Delphine come at 1.15pm, Vincent come at 1.45pm... The crowd is going more & more around 1.30pm... Vincent can't stand together with us, cos he can't come in.. But he stand around our area.. Me, Delphine, Rina, Elaine & Jayness we all want to become Prata already.. Cos the peoples behind keep pushing us.. Even gaurds & Mediacorp staffs see the crowd also scare..
Around 3pm the casts arrived, they come in 2 groups of artiste, cos too many peoples, scare no one can protect the artiste.. So, no choice... Joanne come in the 2nd group... Around 3.15pm the event started, all the artiste on stage & speech something, then start of autograph session...Once the autograph session started, we all started to left & rush to RG.. We want to come out also difficult, cos all the peoples don't open a way for us to go out. So, no choice, me got to keep shout "excuess me"..Finally, we are save to come out.. Then, Me, Delphine & Vincent take Rina car. Tanat, Yeok Peng, Elaine & Jayness share cab to Radio Gate..
**It is the 1st time after so many yrs of event, I saw so many crowd of peoples.. Cos most of the event won't be so many peoples like it. The feeling is like Prata, hot, sticky, leg pain.......(will con't of Radio Gate story soon)....
Fiona Carlsberg Event on 26/12/2008
Friday 26/12/2008, after work, I rushed to Fiona Carlsberg event;
-8.30pm Balaclava (Suntec City)
-9.50pm Bar Stop (6 Devonshire Road)
-11.10pm DBLO (11 Unity St, Robertson Walk)
When I reached Suntec, is only 7pm, so I go & take my dinner 1st.. Around 8.20pm, Fiona, Michelle Chia & Allan Wu had arrived Balaclava.So, me & Xueting was at there, waiting for them come down from the bus.. Fiona saw us from the bus, she wave to us. 8.30pm, the event started, 2 of us as usual, keep taking her pic. Around 9.15pm, we go to 2nd location, while they all haven't end the event yet.. Cos we need time to travel to 2nd location..Around 9.35pm, we reached Somerest MRT, then we walked to 2nd location.. Around 10pm they reached 2nd location... Then, Fiona sms me, told me that she had bought something for me & Xueting want to pass to us, but don't know how? So, I sms her back, told her, then I go down Mediacorp & get from her loh...Me & Xueting go in & take pic again of her & take pic together with her. Xueting not going to 3rd location, cos she dun have $.Then 3rd location, I, Eric & Tanat's malay friend, share cab to DBLO. We reached there before them.. They reached DBLO, they start to record Commerical of Carlsberg..Then, started of the Event.. Me & Eric go in to DBLO, we didn't pay for the entrance, cos we follow them behind.. After DBLO, i passed the make up pouch to Fiona, she said me, "You waste $$ again, don't waste $$ lah".. Then, I smile.. After that, I told her, see u @ Mediacorp.. She said ok...
Abt 20mins later, I reached Mediacorp, Fiona haven't reached..So, I go Recept toilet 1st.. Then, walk to RG.. When I reached RG, I saw Fiona car, so I go over.. Then, we had a short chat, also help Xueting passed the phone.. But when she talking to Fiona, voice like sianz sianz, Fiona asked me, why?I said I dun know? Then, she passed me the present, then go off lah.. Cos also late already.. After Fiona had left, I called Xueting & scold her. Cos I don't like when I help someone passed a phone, then want to speak to a person, voice so sianz.. Cos I know her pattern, she always like tat one. I don't like loh..Be more active & daring...Anyway, forget it lah, at least, I enjoy myself...
** It is the 1st time Fiona gave me present, feel so touched of it & contented...Cos she got the Heart & thought of me. Even last time, she & I had some mistaken, she don't trust me, I was angry..But after so long, all the anger had gone.. Just hope she will trust me in future.. Cos I not the type of person, who will anyhow give fans artiste nos..
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