今天,我很早就起来和出门。。。就是为了Joanne Fans Club Xmas gathering..我们Committee members - Me, Delphine, Vincent, Rina & Teddi 12pm meet @ Kallang Lesiure preapre to go to Kallang Leisure Park Kbox for our gathering decor. After decor, we had a short meeting, of run through the programme & discuss what we shall do during the gathering..
Acutually, the gathering shall be start at 2pm, but cos Joanne lost her way, can't get the way to Kallang,so the gathering had been start at 2.30pm. Once Joanne arrived, all of us welcome Joanne & we committee had gave her fc tee..And she went to toilet to change our fc tee.. After Joanne had change the tee, we started for our Xmas gathering.
1st we had a short introduction, then we have a short interview of Q & A of Joanne, asking fans questions. Follow by our Game 1 of "Passing Parcel", we had 5th round of this game.. During the 4th round, we already plan of "Sabo" Joanne & let her eat the stuffs that we had prepare, inside got strawberry, washabi, chilli sauce & curry sauce. When the music was stopped & she got it.. She very smart, she quickly throw the parcel beside her. Then, we all committee said cannot like that, is u get one.. She said we play cheat.. Haha.. Actually, is truth, we play cheat.. Then, we asked her to choice & pick the stuffs, we had plan, all the stuffs was cover by tissue paper. Haha. So, she pick one & inside got washabi. She said nice, can pick another one? So, we allow her to do so. After Game 1, Joanne sing 2 songs.. 1st song is "冲动" & 2nd song is "Let is Snow, Let is Snow".After Joanne singing, we started our Game 2 "Act it out". Joanne was the one who "Act it out" & let 2 team to guess.. After the Game 2, we asked the team who lost to sing "老鼠爱大米"as forfit, sing without the words of "你,我 ,他" change to the word of "LA".. Joanne also join the forfit, she sing until keep on laughing.. OMG..After that, we had a session of singing "We wish u a Merry Christmas" & Cut the logcake.. After eating Logcake, we started of photography sesssion, we start of group pictures, then all the fans had picture taking with Joanne.. After that is we committee & Joanne group pictures. Around 4.30pm, we end our gathering & Joanne had a short speech, thanks everyone.. Then, she left..
Me, Rina, & Vivian send Joanne off to carpark.. She told me, she enjoy herself.. After she left, I rush to Fiona event at Orchard Tang.
**I was so happy, cos it is the 1st time, I plan for the gathering rundown & also need so many committee for their helping hands. And I also like to thanks Kbox give us a GREAT room & charge us cheap, really appreciate..And I also like to thanks committtee for all the hard work, u all had done.. If don't have u all, this gathering won't be GREAT.. And forgive me for sometimes i very stubborn of my choice that I want it to be that way of doing.. Cos I want everything to be GREAT.
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