大家,新年快乐。今天,是初夕。 我想每个人一定很忙,在准备团圆饭。吃了团圆饭, 就会到 Chinatown 倒数。而我呢?我会到Mediacorp 倒数。 好久没有去Mediacorp 倒数了。要谢谢Delphine & Vincent.. 希望等下我会玩的很开心。。也希望可以看到Felicia & Lingyi. 可惜, Joanne 没有involve。。
今天,刚读了Sean 的blog,他写了“P/s Its terrible reading someone blog,i find that the english written is totally worse than a primary school student.I can't seems to really understand what is being written and the meaning behind it,the words that is used is wrong.The sentence structure and meaning makes people bewilder.That person write as if one is so great like that,whatever man who cares?To make it simple,its a total waste of time reading that blog because its rubbish.Your language might even degrade after reading it,please brush up your language for goodness sake.FULL STOP.”。
我要大声告诉Sean, 这个是我的blog, 我英文bad, 管你的什么事?我喜欢什么写,就什么写。只要我觉得comfortable. 如果你看不过眼,就不要来我的blog. 我这里不欢迎你。
最后,我在这里要谢谢很多人。在读了我的Blog, 都给我很多安慰的话。如: Joanne Peh, Lingyi, Rina, Delphine, Teddi, Von, Lijuan, PBY, Jerena. 请你们放心,我没事。我不会为了一个不懂我的真诚的人,而哭,难过。新的一年,要开心。是Joanne告诉我。所以,我会听她的话。Joanne, 你放心,我们的友情会长久和strong. 因为,我重感情的人。
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