When I post this entry, I just want to say out some of my thought & feeling.. I know that maybe some of u can't accept that Germaine had won the prize. But I want to tell you something that, I not helping Germaine say Good words or what? Is I watch the "Live" show & repeat show. There are something u all got to know.
[1] 1st round, Germaine was 4th. She didn't did well. Mabel 1st.. So, u all can see the FAIR.
[2]2nd round, Germaine was 2nd. Qiuting 1st. So, u can see the different & FAIR.. Germaine keep climbling up & those who like her & support her, keep calling & vote for her.. Same as me, keep calling & voting for Qiuting. That why, she was 1st in the 2nd round. Understand?
[3]3rd round, Germaine was 1st. Why? Cos her belle dance(性感雷鬼舞) is Great. And she dare to dance & show her sexy body.. So, ask ur heart, if u in her shoes, do u dare & brave to dance in front so many peoples?
I know maybe there are peoples think that shall be Mabel or Rachelle won the prize. I also can tell u all the truth. I think Mabel may won the prize. Black horse is Germaine.. Cos I had the feel & six sense. The meaning for Sexy - sexually attractive or provocative. Even u had a sexy body, sexy voice, BUT U DUN HAVE THE SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE ALSO NO USE. So, know the meaning?
Lastly, I can tell u all the truth, I know that 性感宝贝 , Qiuting won't won the prize. I even told her that. Cos the taste I had, same as the Judge. Like Addy like Qiuting's leg, I agreed what he had said. And one of the judge asked Qiuting, in what way that u think u are sexy? Qiuting reply, sexy is not outside, is from the heart inside.. I agreed.. Cos I can see the GOOD HEART INSIDE OF QIUTING. AiAi, I just want to tell u that, always remember what I had told u before & letter I wrote to u on 07/04. No matter, the contest u got won or not in future? Inside my heart, U HAD WON EVERYTHING. COS U R A NICE PERSON & NOT EVIL OR BACKSTAB PPL. NO ONE CAN REPLACE U IN MY HEART.. NOW, I TELL U THIS, 3 YRS LATER, 10YRS LATER, OR EVEN LONGER, I STILL TELL U THE SAME THINGS.. U just remember that, U try ur best for perform. Me try my best for U.. Other than that, u dun need to worry & think so much. Ok?
Friend 4ever & Love u till the end..
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