Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My day with Felicia & Qiuting after 《唯我独尊》On 28/04

今天,我放工后,到一个我很喜欢的地方去 (Esplanda) relax & thinking something..后来,我听到Felicia 是今晚, 《唯我独尊》评判, 我赶快去买Felicia 喜欢的东西吃。。 我也买了一些东西给Qiuting.. Haha.. 我想Qiuting & Germaine, 一定喜欢。。 因为那个paper bag is FULL & heavy...Spend alot.. But never mind..

9.10pm, Felicia 出来。当她出来,Me, Lijuan & Lijuan's friend, Pamela, Xueting & Tanat was there. 他们每一个人都要跟Felicia 拍照,Felicia 告诉我们她有cramp, 想早点走,因为她想去看医生。可是,有一个fans, Tanat, 他好过分,明知道Felicia cramp lah & don't want to take anymore pictues, but HE INSTEAD WANT TO TAKE PICTURE WITH FELICIA. Then, Felicia said u take with my car, her body pain until whole body lies on the driving wheel. Then, Tanat said out from his mouth, said Felicia is a BULLY. Wow Kao, PLEASE LOH, WHO IS THE BIG BULLY? IS U.. SORRY LAH, I KNOW THAT I SHALL NOT LIKE THAT SAID THAT TO U.. BUT I JUST CAN'T STAND & THE WAY U LIKE THAT SAY FELICIA. Do U know that her left eyes the tears want to come out from her eyes? 她觉得你不能够了解她的痛?And u dun understand her, in her shoes. Imagine u had a cramp very pain & ppl keep ask u to take pictures with u, how u feel? Feel sad & pain, rite? 你记得我告诉你, 一件事,如果你真的很爱, 你的偶像,你会要她快乐,才是你要她伤心?爱是很美丽的,可是, 没有人能够真真的明白什么叫“爱”? 爱是发出内心的,而不是去造作。明白吗?希望, 那些到现在才不明白, 什么叫“爱”? 自己去想一想?我说的对吗?

10.30pm, Fiona 从recept 出来,我和Xueting, 就去找Fiona. 因为,我认识Fiona..Fiona 出来recept, 是要找GV 的tickets..我和Xueting, 跟Fiona 拍照。。 Fiona 很cute.. 她才是跟以前一样。。 后来,Guard找不到她的东西,她就进去,从RG 出去回家。。我就等Qiuting & Germaine 出来,因为我告诉她们我会来,和有东西给她们。。 我就回keep my promise..
大概12am, Qiuting & Germaine come out together..我就把我买的Sweets 给她们。。她们看到了,都很开心。。 因为都是她们喜欢的。。 Qiuting, 先走下去等Germaine. 在我送Qiuting 下去的时候,Amigo & Grace also walk down send recept send Qiuting off. Amigo talking with QQ, i just stand beside QQ & walk with her together.. 她知道我心里面有心事,只是不放便在别人面前说。。我送QQ到Germaine's bf car. 因为Germaine's bf 接Germaine. Germaine在车上,一直跟我说bye bye, QQ 也是一样。。。我越看QQ, 我越想把心里面的话说出来。他们的车,才没有走,我先走,因为我怕我的眼泪会掉出来。。 Sorry, QQ & Germaine, for left before you all.
** 最后的感想,我想对QQ & Germaine 说:“对不起,让你们看到我不开心的样子。。也许因为Evil had attack my soul & want to take away the LOVE that GOD had given me.. And I also face alot prombles, which all of things had happened to me, which QQ, Jess, Delphine & Gerald know.. I know I was very Emo. But can't. Cos I was a human being. I can be crazy, I can be happy, I can very good to everyone, I can hate everybody, I can scold peoples straight away if I found that the person is wrong. So, maybe I had offend anyone before.. But I really doesn't mean.. 因为我是重感情,友情的人。。That why, I will Emo & anger sometimes. Maybe some of u dun like me & dun know my charcter well. Maybe some of u like me, cos they know that 我对人真诚。Whatever, I hope all the sad things & unhappy things will get away from me soon."

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