Tue 10/02/2009, after work I go to Cine Level Kbox for K Buffect.. Cos my Friend Josphine birthday.. Reached Cine Kbox around 7pm.. When I reached KBox, see alot ex-collegue.. They was surprise to see me there.. And thanks for never forget me.. The feeling is still same... They all asked me, "How are u? Where are u working now?" I all answer them.. Haha.. The Buffect ok. I onli like the steam chicken.. Damn Nice..
Then, we all singing go by round, so that everyone had chance... My voice is belong to low voice. So, I will sing male song more.. Then, they all very funny, got duet, ask me to sing Male voice & sing with them.. Thanks ah.. Me like whole nite sing concert like that....OMG.. But I enjoy... cos long time never go K lah..The last time, I sing K is with Teddi & Vincent..And all the unhappy things keep inside too long, want to explore out...
When come to sing birthday song & cut cake session, we all use the spray to spray Josphine.. Haha.. She kena spray by 3 of us.. Alot of fun... And it is the time for me, can dun wear mask to peoples.. Long time, never like that play lah.. Maybe me really need this fun from ppl..
Around 10pm, we all left Kbox. Cos our booking time until 10pm.. Then, we all take MRT home..
**Josphine, thanks for the treat.. And hope u enjoy the fun, of me the one who start use spray, spray u.. Hahaha...
Me got FREE 4 TICKETS to Sentosa, Jurong Birdpark, National Museum, S'pore River Cruises' bumboats & S'pore Flyer.. Dun know who want to go with me?Haiz...
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