Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Nicole 老师的追思 08/09/2008

我刚刚从Nicole 老师的追思回家。。我从下午3.45pm 到11pm在那里。我看到很多人送花圈给Nicole 老师。有李伟菘,李偲菘,陈松龄,Eric Moo, Hazel & Family ,管雪梅。就是看不到一个人送花圈给Nicole. 那个人就是- “William Soh from M5 Royal Music” .为什么你没有送?才是你的“良心”被WOLF 吃了?才是你没有钱送花圈给Nicole?才是你又要向人要钱?因为你害Nicole无法完成她的梦想。。害她才要自己出那些EP 的钱。。我想告诉你:人在做,天在看,公道自在人心。你曾经做过多少害人的事,每一个人都知道。。做人不要做的太过分。。。平良心做人。。要不然,以后你死,下HELL.

到了晚上8pm, 开始举行追思礼拜,场面很感人。每一个人都讲对Nicole 老师的影响。她是一个好学的人,一个 一直给学生鼓励的人,一个时常带着笑容的人,一个不放弃的自己的梦想的人,一个坚强的人。。。。在场的每一个人都哭了。。有一场特别感人,Nicole 的女儿唱了一首歌给自己的妈妈。。我觉得她的女儿很坚强,跟她的妈妈一样。。

**最后的感想:希望Nicole 一路走好 。。到另一个世界里,要活的开心。放心你的梦想,我们会帮你完成。。希望那个害你的人,WILLAIM SOH 会得到报应。。这几天,我会下去拜祭你。。我很感谢上帝把你带走,因为你跟病魔fight 很久了。你也很幸苦,痛哭。你的美,我们永远放在心里。。 以下的歌是Nicole曾经唱过的“你我的自由”



AssThrowBoy said...

Hi Joey, Nicole had had a great life, having brought up a beautiful daughter and touched so many people in her life. She always seemed to have enjoyed what she did and was helpful as well as caring to the people around her. Those were what made her life great! Like what one of her students said, "part of Nicole lives in us" as part of us left with her. Do you feel her in you now?

Adnil said...

Hi, i think it's not very appropriate to post up the issue between William and Nicole especially at a time like this. I'm quite sure it doesnt help Nicole's loved ones to get over their sadness by raking up the bad memories. Pls do consider taking it down, thanks.

Joey said...

Linda, I think that it is my personal blog, I can the right to write what i thinking inside of my heart out in my blog..And whether I want to take down or not is my choice. I don't need to tell me what to do.Some more the name u put is profile not in found..

If William never done anything wrong, Nicole won't write @ her facebook & newspaper won't write out... So, why shall I take down..