6pm, 我和Minghui 就赶去和Rah 见面在Far East Plaza.因为她和Minghui 要去Stage.我们到那里,我们看到李腾在店。。我们在店里面只是一下子,因为Minghui 的bag spoil 了,要去买bag.我们就陪他去Zinc 的店。买完bag,我们就赶去Wisma陪Minghui 拿他的hp.然后,我们走过Wisma外面,刚好有几个穿bikini 的美女,handsome guys. 给了我们Mineral water.哈哈。。然后,我们近过,一个balloon charity stall, 我们3个人就选了3个不同的balloon. 我选了Heart Shape Balloon, 因为它让我想起QQ在“唯我独尊”做过.Minghui 选了Machine Guy, Rah 选了Bird Heart..我和Minghui 一面走,一面好像小孩一样,玩balloon..我们好像回到童真一样。Rah can't 2 of us.. Haha...也许,我们在过去几天,都为一些事和人,感到很烦。。今天,终于让我们放松一下。
7.15pm我们约JS 吃Dinner, 又来到Cine,我们又去Hk Cafe.. 我告诉他们,我们好像每个星期都来Hk Cafe 的Cine..我都Pai Seh 和他们的staffs..haha..我们叫了我们的Dinner,以上的照片。。我们吃完了,我们就去Esplanade看Gong Shi Jia, Wu Jia Hui & Kewei Perform 10pm - 11.30pm. Kewei 唱了2首歌,"月亮代表我的心"代有Jazz 的方式,第2首是:“如果”Rock & Roll 的方式。Wu Jia Hui 唱3首歌;“虽然我愿意”,“一人一半”和新歌“听听”。我觉得“听听”不错。。我,Minghui & Rah 一直喊Jia Hui.. 哈哈。。我们也不知道为什么我们会这么"High".然后,Gong Shi Jia 唱2首歌,我和Minghui 也喊Shi Jia..哈哈。。我们都一样喜欢Shi Jia..我喜欢她是因为她和美静一样公司,她又很像JaimeTeo,人又好。。因为她有去过Kbox Cine表演。。Shi Jia 唱完,我们就跑到后台和Shi Jia ,Jia Hui & Kewei 拍照。。我就把我的Heart shape balloon 给Shi Jia..我就和Shi Jia 合照和叫她签CD..然后,我11.30pm 就走了,因为我们赶lastMRT..
**最后的感想:开心,开心,真的开心,才是开心。。开心就好,rah 说的。。哈哈。。可以在一天能跟这么多人见面吧。。又可以看到Shi Jia.. 哈哈。。
**Important: 我想对QQ 说的,我看到你的blog有人spam 你的blog & scold u.不要去管这些childish peoples..也不要浪费时间骂他们。。To us, U R not ugly.U R beautiful .. We Love U.. So do I. Yeah..
Hey Joey, I didnt know you went for the Esplanade concert last night... I only know Kaileng was there. Me and a few friends were there to watch the fireworks earlier on... argghhhh, and you took a picture of Jonathan Leong (with Kewei and many others)!!! You can take pic wif him mah, he very nice and handsome. I left the place after the fireworks ended, cos I didnt wanna stay up too late.
haha.. It's ok.. Never mind.. Cos My main point go Esplanade is see Shi Jia..
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