今天, 我很早就起来了。因为我要去拍“球爱大战”和我3个可爱的朋友。他们是Delphine, Vincent & Jia Hui..哈哈。。我早上4.30am 就起来。。我5am 就morning call my pig Delphine.. Haha.. Opps..当我打给她的时候, 她告诉我她发烧。。我就问她那什么办?你才可以拍吗?她说等下在打给我。。我就preapre for bath & pack my things.. 我5.30am 就出门,搭第一辆车。。5.40am Delphine 就打电话给我,问我在那里? 我告诉她。。我刚上第一辆车。。10mins later then reached her bus stop..10mins later, she board the bus...Then, we go Mediacorp together..
6.20am, 我们到Mediacorp bus stop, 我们等Jia Hui..因为Delphine got asked Jia Hui buy breakfast for Joanne..So, we wait for Jia Hui.. But at the end, she come late.. So, we go Radio Gate 1st see Joanne come already or not? Joanne come at 6.40am.. Omg.. The breakfast not here yet.. So, we no choice, We wave to Joanne & her car go in.. So, Me & Delphine wait for Jia Hui & Vincent come, then we go change pass.. While we at wardobe, we wait for Joanne come out from make up unit, cos Delphine want to passed breakfast to her & Vincent passed her Lemon Honey.. Haha..
Around 8.20am, we board the bus & ahead to Sentosa.. When we reached Sentosa, we doing alot of claping & walk in & out.. Cos they shooting Volleyball competition.. Then, the weather is siao 1. Sometimes Raining, sometimes Sunny.. Even Raining, they also asked us to shoot.. Make until we all wet.. We can't carry umbrella.. Omg.. We shoot until 7pm..
Then, we go back Mediacorp, we go to canteen, cos Vincent, Delphine & Jia Hui want to see got any foods to eat or not? At the same time, Vincent want to see "心花" but too bad..Can see the picture, can't heard the voice. So, we plan to leave.. So, I told them, want to go TV wardobe, cos I want to see my Lovely QQ.. But when we all reached there, she was so busy.. Then, I told them, we go home 1st.. Cos I know that they all tired & hungry.. So, I "Pai Sai" to asked them to company me.. Ans some more, my pig Delphine is sick. I don't bear to let them suffer.. So, we go Radio Gate, wait for Joanne awhile.. She was bathing inside, after awhile, she come out & we take a few picture, cos she told us, she, Jessica & Jade going for a dinner.. So, we don't want to hold Joanne too long.. Then, after she left... We also left.. Home Sweet Home..
**最后的感想是:今天虽然有点累,可是我们都玩的很开心。。我也好久没有到海边去玩了。Thanks, Vincent for asked me to go for fliming with Joanne...Love u all =) cos we had fun while fliming at the same time.. U all know wat I mean, rite?Haha..**
**最后的感想是:今天虽然有点累,可是我们都玩的很开心。。我也好久没有到海边去玩了。Thanks, Vincent for asked me to go for fliming with Joanne...Love u all =) cos we had fun while fliming at the same time.. U all know wat I mean, rite?Haha..**
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