Sunday, May 31, 2009
Where r U?

Officially Quit Fiona Fans club
Thanks for Xueting for let me go & also thanks for understand my difficult.. Thanks for release my stress.. (cos I dun like someone keep asked me to forcus on her fansclub, like force me to do something I dun like). I hope in the future, u will work well with Liping as Vice Chairman/Treasurer.. And remember that that time, I meeting with you all. The guideline for what fans club shall do.. Hope u will follow my guideline.. If u follow it, I believe u can do it well..
So now, me had no related any relationship with Fiona & Fiona fc.. She is not my dessert or part time anymore already.. So, stop said she is my part time.. And my previous all entry is not talking abt Fiona... So, dun make any wild guess..
Lastly, just want to tell Fiona, all the best for ur future in your path at Media.. And Skai, I will still help u updated any Fiona news at the http://welovefionaxie.blogspot.com/.. And also Xueting, I also will help u spread news at above website.. But all the other M.I.S.C, u just got to done by ur own strength... I can't help u anymore.. Sorry Xueting...
Felicia event at People Park Centre 30/05/2009
Ytd I never go Felicia event, so I take this video from Peiling.. Thanks Peiling for upload the video..
When I see this video, I can see & FEEL that moment when Felicia singing, that moment..
**Today, Felicia got event at PS.. I will be going down.. Alot of ppl asking me, am I going down? Now, I tell u all.. I will go down.. Cos I dun want to let Felicia & any ppl who asked me, am I going later msg & disappointed everyone of u?I not so bad temp...So, dun force me to do smt I dun want to do or dun like to do.. Any dun even email me, told me that the card is done by her. Since I never received any card from it at this moment.. Unless I had received it, I will blog & post honestly, cos I dun like to lies & "wearing mask" to ppl too often... Tired..
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Yahui Food Fair @ Expo 30/05/2009
Not my Friend
I'm sure you wouldn't comfort me
If I was chocked by an unpleasant surprise
I'm sure you wouldn't be here for me
If I was hurt and my heart has been broken
I'm sure you wouldn't be here to help me
If something so terrible happened that it couldn't be spoken
I'm sure you wouldn't be here to listen to me
All you do is hurt me, I realize in the end
But still you want to call yourself my friend...
Ending of a friendship so close
Friends for years
Now is Fading away
what to do, But, sit here and cry
My feeling away
I dont know what to do
With a broken heart from
some i thought would never do a such thing
Best friends for ever
is what you said
Now is no more
than a memoried
that will stay
I dont know why im crying
It feels like there is something missing
An it hurts
what happened to friend
for ever
now its nothing more than
a friends heart broke
for year spint on something
that is nothing
best friends
heart brake
Jolin Tsai-妥協
**I found this song nice, got 1 part said "I was tired".. Yes, I admit I was tired for some stuffs....Tired until tuesday, I went to my favourite place, to listen to wind blow & cry.. While Delphine called me up & heard my voice...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
蔡依林 - "新歌发表会" @ Max Pavilion
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Totally depressed
Temp just leave me alone, will be MIA, dun know when u all will see me online & blog again? My blog still open for public to see..
**Note: Abt Felicia event for sat & sun, I maybe going, maybe not. See how my moods that time... If really depressed, then just want to say Sorry to Felicia & Felicians..
Monday, May 25, 2009
"Er Xin" & Thick face..
Pls dun tell ppl, u treasure everything mins.. To her, SHE NOT TREASURE with U.. I think she also will vomit..
**OMG GOD, PLEASE quickly SEND this person WHO WIRES IS LOSE TO MENTALLY HOSPITAL & LOCK HIM UP. Dun let him come out & harm PPL.. And Pls dun go tell me WTF of comments.. I DUN give a DAMN FUCK of "Ur words".. Who u think u r to me? U just a "MAD PPL".. Wawa..
Why all man is the same?
Sunday, May 24, 2009
双子星The Ultimatum event at Plaza Singapura

[3] Feel Bad - Today, Felicia finally see me so fierce & angry in front of her & Felicity fans when I shouted at "Mo Bing". I also dun want to do it.. But is no choice, Fucker Ass force to lose my face at Felicia.. And all the anger inside for the past few days still inside. So, I just keep control my temper, but I failed.. I know my face is black when at PS when after scold the Green Tee guy.. I know I wearing Felicity tee, so? Sometimes is really anger, dun voice out, I will feel uneasy.. Like Yihui said, I always like "Big Sister" protect everyone, when "Mo Bing" scold, I dun care of image, I shout him back.. Cos I dun want Felicia, will Emo or feel bad whole day.. I know, Joey Mummy is always a fierce gal, always scold u.. But I not want to.. I just MISS the days when we "suan" each other.. I want to find the days back, BUT I know can't already...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Power of LOVE in the house..
Today the service is DAMN GREAT & POWER.. Why cos is REv Mike Connell speak to us.. And he keep praise for us.. He give some words; Mark 1:40 - 43 & Psalm 145:8. (No matter how shame r we? How much Sins we have? Just come to him, Jesus will welcome us. God has the power to change our life, God has the power to change our future...) Yes, HE alwasys have... "Great is the Love, poured all of the world....".. I can FEEL & Touched by GOD 2nite.. HE had let me just cry for him, when at service.. Without thinking of any prombles or any unhappiness prombles, I had face in the past.. I know HE will help me solve the prombles, I had NOW..
I was happy with 2 things.. 1st is cos tml I know some of Ex Felicia fans will go down the event to see & support Felicia... REALLY HAPPY TO SEE U ALL AGAIN...Really Appreciate & thanks...Cos LONG TIME never see u all.. Like MIA like that? Wawa.. 2nd things happy things is ONLI 3 PPl know.. Haha.. Shhhh... Dun feel like to say out.. Wawa...
**Tml is Felicia event, HOPE EVERYTHING WILL BE NICE & NTH HAPPENED..QQ MISS Diaz, dun MISS me lah.. Everyday keep playing Diaz.. Haiz.. Me SAD...Me Jealous... I admit...
Calling all Ex-Felicia fans

Friday, May 22, 2009
Happy & Thanks U had Left
His pattern is Ah Beng loh.. He evem got asked my partner to lend him $200.. WTF.. Just start work with 1mth asked people lend him $$...And he everytimes make my boss angry, I dun like ppl make my boss angry..Today is his last day, company give him hp, he had return company.. So, this 3 days, I got to help to answer called & take down order.. Until Monday new salesman come, then passed him the hp.. And I also got to prepare all the stuffs as salesman shall have, for his start work Monday.. Ytd I had prepare already, today I put at my boss desk.. She said wow, I so fast & how I know got new salesman come? I said cos my partner told me & like every 2 mths change new salesman, so I know what I shall prepare already.. She smile, cos she herself also know. Cos tired of explain & teach new ppl, specially got to show them how to do & make our product to them...
I just know that today I was busy with print report & answer the hp & take order from customer.. Didn't do my own stuffs of work for Hari Raya Promo Proposal yet..
**Hope Monday the new salesman will be the last & nice one.. Dun like those passed salesman.. Haiz.. tired & tired of shoot them...
I had learn a new things in life
[1]Why human like to do alot of "xiao dong zuo"?
[2]What they trying to proof others abt it?
[3]Why human want to be "that" things to be "Urs" alone?
[4]Why human want to make their own friends jealous & get angry & hate with them?
[5]Why human alot of liars in this world? Even u r a christian.. In bible had said lies is SINS..
Don't u know it?
[6]Why human like to backstab their own friends?
[7]Why human want to from starting a very close friends, become a distance?
[8]Why sometimes when a friend who u have know so long, still want to force u to do something u dun like to do?
**All these I had an answer already.. Cos I had know who those friends who I will treasure & hold on it.. Thanks for those who have try to do "xiao dong zuo", Liars, backstab on me the past 2 week..The answer is DEVIL is COMING to HURT those WHO LOVE GOD so much... Just like how much I love those ppl who is around me..Sometimes, even how much a person had said many times "Sorry" also no use.. Cos what done is already done. Like a Vase, had broken.. No matter, how much we try to heal it, it's still broken.. Like human being, we had done wrong & we still repeat the mistake again? Why we want to be so silly? Just cos want to make UR ENEMY ANGRY & JEALOUS..
Thursday, May 21, 2009
ohh.. My New Sky Blue Wallet....
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Happy Birthday, Wendy
Today is my niece Wendy 8th birthday.. After work, I go JP Swensen buy Ice Cream cake for her.. Which she like of princess, so I make her wish come true..
We had finally break the "Cold War" for 3 weeks..
We had talk out those things that we are angry with each other of stuffs.. Both of us know that we care & concern of each other. During the "Cold War", both of us know that our friendship is worthy, cos we know that we will treasure each other more & more.... Thanks for the card, when I read the card, make me "又愛又恨" with u. U really KNS.. Actually, u know that I was worth for u as a friend at the end..
We sit the bus & chat alot abt how is my moods the past & share alot.. When I share with it, I just know that I try to control my tears.. Cos I know that I shall know let anyone see me cry again. Cos Monday Nite, I had cried until eyes red. Then, Tue go office, collegues asked me, why my eyes sore? I just keep say nth.. Cos I know that I had bear for very long already everything inside my heart.. And in a short period, all my friends mistaken me & try to do all "funny" things on me. Make me explore once in a short awhile..
When I reached her around 12am plus, I on my computer.. Got few ppl msn me, asked me what happened to me? Cos my nick put "I break down already".. i just want to say "thanks for the concern".. I ok.. Just need to be alone.. Cos I dun want to explore & scold ppl again... I share with a friend at msn.. I told her, we as human being got to "open eyes to see everyone of ppl we know", cos not everyone CAN be TRUST... I even told my friend, I had even try to let go of hand of many things, If one day, I let go of my hand on u, pls forget me, dun remember me.. cos I not worth it for u to remember me..
**Sometimes, we got to learn to let of our hands, dun keep holding it & make ourselves so miserable... Maybe if we let go of hand, we will be happy, dun u think so? I always like dead peoples, cos I know that only when we dead, we lay down at coffin, then we can see who cry for us? Who sad for us? That person is ur TRUE friends in ur life.. It is what me & my friend who had quarrel for 3 weeks, think the same way.. This few day, I just know that when I running awhile, my heart will pain... maybe 1 day I will leave this world PEACEFUL.. Looking for it...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Blue Monday
Now, I know is it the way u looking of me.. Do u know that U R my No 1 innside my HEART.. But I just never told u b4.. But today I get HURT from u.. Do u know that my tears can't STOP after what u had send me.. Cos I know that our gap is slowing to be far away..I want the friend, I know b4.. I hope u won't listen anyone words... "Use ur eyes to see, who is TRUELY TO U."
** Dun feel like talking the following of my days.. Just leave me alone.. No Mood at all....
Yahui, Happy Birthday
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wei Wei getting Marry 31/12/2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Human THOUGHT...
I just want to say 1 last time, "how long u have know me?", "how much u have knoe me?", What u have mistaken me in 2 weeks ago & now, I just want to tell u, I was tired.. I dun want to explain too much already.. From the begining, I have never say U r fake to me... But I dun know why in ur mind thinking of that way? If u want to think that way, then u keep on con't to think that way.. I can't stop ur mind of thinking... Yap, always THOUGHT.. Why not? We human always THOUGHT we will won 4D every week? Why not we THOUGHT we will LIVE in Rich family? Why not WE THOUGHT we willl marry to rich family? So many THOUGH...
I appreciate u had said I was a rare friend & a gd sister.. I thanks u for said I was not selfish & magnanimous person.. But after our "cold war" for 2 wk, do u understand what is my MAIN point in 1st place of 2 wk ago or not? If u still dun understand & dun know my charcter, then I think we better dun contact each other temp.. Let ur mind cool down & think careful, what I trying to tell u..
Cos I know that I always try to be good & nice to peoples BUT i can't pleasure everyone..
**Thanks Pig for comfort me.. I know my this friend dun want to lose me as frez & treasure me. But I just dun like my this friend mistaken me.. And say I think the person is fake to me. Temp I was not interest of think of anything or talk anything, dun ask for any advise of fc name, any pic, Cos I know that now I temp lost interest of alot things.. I just know, I want to know more of GOD, the LOVE HE has give me....cos Human too much of selfishness, show off, jealous,mistaken.. it is not the world, I want to see....
I still the Joey who u know all before. My charcter still the same.. Just maybe my mind of thinking will be abit change, become abit mature, less selfish, less of dun kpo, less of dun mind whether how close or far I with everyone of u.. Cos I always believe that who really know me & treasure me, won't let go of their hand on me.. Once they choice to let go of me, is their lost.. I also dun force anyone must treasure me.. Let's ur heart tell u wat u all shall do...
Take Care alll my enemy, passerby, normal friends, gd friends, best friends & buddy...
Lastly, the person once u had think careful of what I had told u in sms, then u tell me.. What I told u, is it right or not? Whether we will be gd again or not? I also dun know the answer temp.. Cos my heart had been broken by u.......
"Open wide your mouth"
[1]God fill us with His Love
[2]God fills us with strong faith
[3]God fills us with miracles
[4]God will fill your live with abundance
And the praise song, today is Damn Great.. And I was like cry in front of God, when I talked to HIM..I talked to him abt what I had face the past 2 wk & also wat I had face 2dae....He had give me a comfort answer... Thanks Jesus.. I know what to do & I also know how to face my prombles.. Thanks Jesus, I know I can't live without u.. Cos of Ur Mighty Love that has make me change alot.. Even I know that, I was a child of u, I was still not a perfect person.. But the Love, u have give me, still inside of my heart.. Make me know what is call Love is endless..
**Wonderful of Jesus, Mighty Love of Jesus, I will prasie u Lord...
Finally got the stuff I want..
Canon Roadshow @ Taka
Friday, May 15, 2009
The feeling had GONE..
[1]The time how we know each other? Slowly, slowly gone...
[2]Do u know that how much I have do for u & club is lose of interest?
[3]Do u know that I keep thinking of the fans club name until I siao & can't think much anymore?
[4]Do u know that I plan to let go of hand on support u?
[5]Do u know that I have always dun mind how u will repay me back?
[6]Do u know that I dun mind who u go out with? Just hope u won't forget the promise u have make on me b4...
[7]Those stuffs u have given me, I always dun treasure so much already...
**the above detail is talking abt 2 peoples.. Maybe some of u know, maybe some of u guess wrong...Whateveer it is, if u want to know who is that person? U can come ask me, see whether I want to tell u or not? Better than u keep thinking, the person is u..