Today, my entry got alot to write.. Got Happy, extremely annoyed & Feel bad... Let me start now...
[1]Extremely annoyed - I reached Plaza Singapura 1pm, I never thought I will reached early.. Never thought, when I reached there, I saw some ppl is already there to chop the place lah. I was standing at the front of centre.. Around 1.30pm, Yijing, Hui Si, Hui Peng, Yihui came.. So, they join me & stand behind me... Then, after awhile, they all go toilet change fc tee & buy lunch.... Then, Delphine asked can She, Lj & Von join us also, we all let them squeeze in..
And of course, I won't forget to thanks Elvin's fans let us have some space, cos I knoe they had book very big space, but they let us have it.. Thanks, Meling..
(I)Then, got a Fucker guy who wear GREEN tee, come in & cut our Q... HE damn Fuck loh.. I told him nicely, "Sorry, u cannot sit here, cos got 8 ppl sit here & they went to toilet..Then , He fuck said he knoe the guy beside him, then I told him, when I come, I never heard the guy got chop any sit for his frez, then he keep squeeze in.. Then, make until our place is getting smaller.. DUN KNOW IS IT HE DEAF OR WAT? OR HE IS A FUCKER ASS... STILL DUN GO OUT, STILL THICK FACE, Still the Place.. Really DAMN FUCK OFF.Very extremely annoyed with him..
(II)Then, got another FUCK China woman with her kid come in squeeze to me & Yijing side.. Her daughter look at me, my eyes was fierce look at her. I told the China Woman, can dun cut Q or not? U like tat, unfair to behind ppl who come early.. Wow, DUN KNOW IT IS SHE DUN UNDERSTAND OR WAT? REALLY DAMN FUCK OFF.. Her daughter dun want to see, but the FUCKER CHina woman want to stay & see..
(III) Fucker Ass "Mo Bing", He called me "奸女人", in front of Felicia. What the Fuck? He want to take solo of Felicia pic, then said can take 5? Felicia said take 1 lah.. Then this Fucker Ass, like liars loh... I saw his finger keep press the button, then still told Felicia not yet...Then, once I see he took pic, I told Felicia turn her head.. Then, Felicia listen & did it.. Then, Fucker Ass not happy, called me "奸女人" in front of Felicia & everyone at RG.. Then, Felicia stunned, thought "Mo Bing" scold Felicia. Then, the Fucker Ass said loud to Felicia, he not said Felicia, is said ME.. What the Fuck? I heard he said "奸女人", I just keep quiet, cos I dun want to lose temper & fierce in front of Felicia. But at the end, he said me out.. I no choice, I scold him back.. All Felicity stunned, including Felicia.. After the fucker had left our area, Felicia asked me, "Am I ok?" I said "I ok". Even I not ok, I also dun want throw "boom" at Felicia.. Then, after Felicia left, the fucker started to find every ppl around there trouble. E.g Paul, Valerie & her mother.. They all also scold the fucker.. Then, after he scold finished, come & find me to quarrel.. Said I not happy, come & hit him lah.. I shout at him, I hit u, police will catch me.. Then, I said if u dare touched me, I will called police. Then, he said, if he touched me, police will catch him, he won't so stupid. Then, he said: Come lah, hit me.. I said "I not stupid, i hit u, dirty my hands, will I will get Poisoned.. Then, he after left RG.. He really the Fucker Asshole...
[2]Happy - I finally had passed Felicia the HEART shape straw... Felicia was stunned & touched. Maybe she never thought I will do & passed to her.. I always want to do smt for her by my own hands.. But always dun know what to give? Maybe i always want smt specially to ppl I like & love.. Felicia even asked, is my hand pain when fold the heart straw? I said ok lah.. Even now I plan to do Heart Straw again, but I know, my finger can't do fast like last time anymore.. Cos some reason.. But nvm.. "Kai Xin Jiu Hao" to those I like...
[3] Feel Bad - Today, Felicia finally see me so fierce & angry in front of her & Felicity fans when I shouted at "Mo Bing". I also dun want to do it.. But is no choice, Fucker Ass force to lose my face at Felicia.. And all the anger inside for the past few days still inside. So, I just keep control my temper, but I failed.. I know my face is black when at PS when after scold the Green Tee guy.. I know I wearing Felicity tee, so? Sometimes is really anger, dun voice out, I will feel uneasy.. Like Yihui said, I always like "Big Sister" protect everyone, when "Mo Bing" scold, I dun care of image, I shout him back.. Cos I dun want Felicia, will Emo or feel bad whole day.. I know, Joey Mummy is always a fierce gal, always scold u.. But I not want to.. I just MISS the days when we "suan" each other.. I want to find the days back, BUT I know can't already...
[3] Feel Bad - Today, Felicia finally see me so fierce & angry in front of her & Felicity fans when I shouted at "Mo Bing". I also dun want to do it.. But is no choice, Fucker Ass force to lose my face at Felicia.. And all the anger inside for the past few days still inside. So, I just keep control my temper, but I failed.. I know my face is black when at PS when after scold the Green Tee guy.. I know I wearing Felicity tee, so? Sometimes is really anger, dun voice out, I will feel uneasy.. Like Yihui said, I always like "Big Sister" protect everyone, when "Mo Bing" scold, I dun care of image, I shout him back.. Cos I dun want Felicia, will Emo or feel bad whole day.. I know, Joey Mummy is always a fierce gal, always scold u.. But I not want to.. I just MISS the days when we "suan" each other.. I want to find the days back, BUT I know can't already...
After Felicia had left, we hang around Rg awhile.. Then saw Belinda, then I go & find her & take pic with her. Cos we are same church.. (City Harvest).. It is the 3rd time, I saw her...She share & chat with us quiet long.. She told us smt, "She know that everyone of us, maybe like alot of Artiste, but she dun mind ppl come & asked her take pic & sign, cos Artiste need supporters to give them the power to move on... If she got time, she will try her best to stay longer, chat with us, sign & take pic with everyone...What she had said is Truth.. But got how many Artise know that? I think sometimes some Artiste dun understand, specially when I had support them so long & always there for them.. But at the end.......I know that I maybe not as Good like "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"but at least I not fake to the Artiste I know.. .
After we left RG, I join them to eat Dinner at TPY.. Then, after that go home...
**Thanks gals, for "Cheer me up", like wat I wearing the tee 2dae.. thanks Yihui for help me get Mac BLUE cup.. My Favourite... Thanks Yijing , (u shall know what I mean)... Thanks Felica still concern me.. Thanks Felicia, give me the SMILE.. Hope u like the gift.... Zoe Tay was Damn funny when I was on stage shake her hand, she asked me smt.. Am I look like tat meh? I dun think so. Cos I always know I not so good... But really Zoe Tay, still remember me & make fun of me.. U R MDC "Nos 1 Ah Jie".. The Best & Nice overall Artiste..
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