Sunday, May 25, 2008

You will never know

You will never know, the way I feel inside.
In my heart, my head and my soul.

You will never know, how I yearn and ache and pine inside.
How it hurts my heart, my head and my soul.

You will never cry, until the day that I must die and know what it is in my heart,
my head and my soul.
For all eternity, my one and only true love, my heart's one and only true desire.

**最后的感想是:我一直在问自己, 难道我在每一个人的心里面是以下的人吗?

[3]Endless Love?
[9]Loyal to peoples & friends?
[10]Don't know how to apprecaite peoples?

有谁会真真的了解,我心里在想什么?有谁会知道我做了多少? 有谁真真知道我一直都在关心Lovelies fans很多?有谁会知道我不喜欢人家当我是透明的? 有谁知道我有时感到好累,生病才要躲着不让人家看到?生病才要下去帮朋友? 今天, 我一直想吐, 我才要用banner over my face.. Kenneth 才问我, Joey, r u ok? I asked him to keep quiet.. I dun want people to know.. I want to vomit..因为我不要人家同情我。。Joey 是一个坚强,有骨气的人。。在什么病也要坚持到底。。

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